Resistance in OMS: In alternating current is is measured in impedance.
In a parallel circuit, each branch has the same voltage but different current flows. The branch with the highest resistance will have the least amount of current flow, as current follows the path of least resistance.
In a series circuit, the total resistance increases because the individual resistances add up. As the current flows through each component in succession, the resistance offered by each component adds to the total resistance. This leads to an overall increase in resistance in a series circuit.
The resistance of a filament depends on the current flowing through it because as current flows through the filament, it heats up due to the electrical energy converting into heat energy. This increase in temperature causes the resistance of the filament to increase, resulting in a higher overall resistance in the circuit.
A high current flows through a short circuit even if there is no voltage change because the resistance across the short circuit is zero.
In a parallel circuit the current divides when it comes to a junction. Part of the current flows through one branch and the other part flows through the other.When the two branches have the same resistance, the same current flows through each branch.When the two branches have different resistances, a bigger current flows through the branch with the smaller resistance - it's just easier this way!Hope i helped ;)
Current flows through a complete circuit.
No current flows through the battery. There is a current through the external circuit. I = E/R = 9/10 = 0.9 amperes.
Resistance in OMS: In alternating current is is measured in impedance.
In a parallel circuit, each branch has the same voltage but different current flows. The branch with the highest resistance will have the least amount of current flow, as current follows the path of least resistance.
The voltmeter has an internal resistance, which should be as high as possible. As this resistance draws current from the circuit under test, it will affect circuit operation. This is more pronounced in a high impedance circuit because the current drawn flows through higher resistances.
In a series circuit, the total resistance increases because the individual resistances add up. As the current flows through each component in succession, the resistance offered by each component adds to the total resistance. This leads to an overall increase in resistance in a series circuit.
A circuit breaker is a device used to open a circuit if too much current flows through it.
The voltage applied and the resistance across it.