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60 newtons.

Since its speed isn't changing, the forces on it must add up to zero. So the force due to
air resistance at that time is equal to the weight of the bag.

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1mo ago

At terminal speed, the air resistance acting on the bag of nails is equal in magnitude to the weight of the bag, which is 60 N. This means the net force on the bag is zero, resulting in a constant velocity.

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Q: How much air resistance acts on a 60 N bag of nails that falls at its terminal speed?
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How much air resistance acts on 100-N bag nails that falls at its terminal speed?

At terminal velocity, the force of air resistance is equal in magnitude to the weight of the object. Since the weight of the bag of nails is 100 N, the air resistance on the bag of nails falling at terminal velocity is also 100 N.

When a object falls what does it reach because of air resistance?

When an object falls, it reaches terminal velocity due to air resistance. Terminal velocity is the constant speed an object will reach when the force of gravity pulling it down is equal to the force of air resistance pushing against it. At terminal velocity, the object stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed.

How much air resistance acts on a 100 n bag of nails at its terminal speed?

The acceleration is 0. That also means that the net force is 0N since the gravity Force is 100N down and the bag of nails is 100N, the air resistance must be 100N up to balance it out and create the net force of 0N

The speed an object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance?

Terminal velocity is the speed an object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance. At terminal velocity, the object no longer accelerates and falls at a constant speed. This speed varies depending on the mass, size, and shape of the object.

What is it called when air resistance and gravity are the same?

When air resistance and gravity are equal, it is known as terminal velocity. At terminal velocity, an object falling through the air no longer accelerates but rather falls at a constant speed due to the balance between air resistance and gravity.

Related questions

How much air resistance acts on 100-N bag nails that falls at its terminal speed?

At terminal velocity, the force of air resistance is equal in magnitude to the weight of the object. Since the weight of the bag of nails is 100 N, the air resistance on the bag of nails falling at terminal velocity is also 100 N.

When a object falls what does it reach because of air resistance?

When an object falls, it reaches terminal velocity due to air resistance. Terminal velocity is the constant speed an object will reach when the force of gravity pulling it down is equal to the force of air resistance pushing against it. At terminal velocity, the object stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed.

How much air resistance acts on a 100 n bag of nails at its terminal speed?

The acceleration is 0. That also means that the net force is 0N since the gravity Force is 100N down and the bag of nails is 100N, the air resistance must be 100N up to balance it out and create the net force of 0N

The speed an object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance?

Terminal velocity is the speed an object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance. At terminal velocity, the object no longer accelerates and falls at a constant speed. This speed varies depending on the mass, size, and shape of the object.

What is it called when air resistance and gravity are the same?

When air resistance and gravity are equal, it is known as terminal velocity. At terminal velocity, an object falling through the air no longer accelerates but rather falls at a constant speed due to the balance between air resistance and gravity.

How much air resistance acts on a 100-N bag of nails that falls at its terminal speed?

The acceleration is 0. That also means that the net force is 0N since the gravity Force is 100N down and the bag of nails is 100N, the air resistance must be 100N up to balance it out and create the net force of 0N

What happens to the kinetic energy of an object that falls at terminal speed?

At terminal speed, the object stops accelerating due to air resistance equaling gravitational force. The kinetic energy remains constant because the object is moving at a constant speed.

When a falling object stops speeding up and falls at a constant rate of speed that object has reached its?

When a falling object stops speeding up and falls at a constant rate of speed, it has reached its terminal velocity. Terminal velocity occurs when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity acting on the object, resulting in a balanced and constant downward acceleration.

The speed when falling objects no longer accelerates due to air resistance is?

known as terminal velocity, which is reached when the force of gravity pulling the object downwards is balanced by the upward force of air resistance. At terminal velocity, the object falls at a constant speed with no further acceleration.

Why do falling objects have a maximum speed?

Falling objects have a maximum speed due to air resistance. As an object falls, air resistance acts against gravity, eventually balancing out the force of gravity and limiting the object's speed. This is known as terminal velocity.

When an object falls through the air and encounters air resistance its overall speed will be?

Terminal Velocity. This is the velocity at which the accelaration from Earth's gravity and the drag from air resistance reaches equillibrium.

Do the velocity of falling objects does not change?

The velocity of a falling object does change as it falls. Initially, the object accelerates due to gravity until it reaches terminal velocity, where the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity and the object falls at a constant speed.