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The frictional force is directly proportional to the normal reaction force, which is the force perpendicular to the contact surface. This relationship is proven through the observation in experiments such as the classic block on an inclined plane experiment, or by analyzing the motion of objects on a surface where friction is the only significant force acting. The coefficient of friction is a ratio that quantifies this relationship between the normal force and frictional force.

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Q: How mass related with friction and by which experiment it is prove that frictional force dirctly proportional to normal reaction?
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Why does weight affect frictional force?

Weight affects frictional force because friction is a force that opposes motion and is directly proportional to the normal force acting on the object. The normal force acting on an object is influenced by its weight, so an increase in weight results in a greater normal force and therefore a greater frictional force.

Why the friction between two surfaces increases when they are pressed harder?

When two surfaces are pressed harder together, the microscopic irregularities on the surfaces come into closer contact. This leads to more contact points where frictional forces can act, increasing the overall friction between the surfaces. Additionally, the increase in force can cause intermolecular interactions to become stronger, further enhancing the friction between the surfaces.

Does action and reaction cause friction?

Action and reaction do not directly cause friction. Friction is a force that opposes motion and is a result of the interaction between two surfaces in contact. While action and reaction forces may contribute to generating frictional forces, they are not the primary cause of friction.

What relationship exists between the static frictional force and the normal force on an object?

The static frictional force is directly proportional to the normal force acting on an object. As the normal force increases, so does the maximum static frictional force that can be applied before the object starts moving. This relationship is described by the equation (f_{\text{friction}} \leq \mu_s \times N), where (f_{\text{friction}}) is the static frictional force, (\mu_s) is the coefficient of static friction, and (N) is the normal force.

What are the two factors that determine frictional force?

The two factors that determine frictional force are the roughness of the surfaces in contact and the amount of force pressing the surfaces together. Rougher surfaces and greater contact force result in higher frictional force.

Related questions

Why does weight affect frictional force?

Weight affects frictional force because friction is a force that opposes motion and is directly proportional to the normal force acting on the object. The normal force acting on an object is influenced by its weight, so an increase in weight results in a greater normal force and therefore a greater frictional force.

Why the friction between two surfaces increases when they are pressed harder?

When two surfaces are pressed harder together, the microscopic irregularities on the surfaces come into closer contact. This leads to more contact points where frictional forces can act, increasing the overall friction between the surfaces. Additionally, the increase in force can cause intermolecular interactions to become stronger, further enhancing the friction between the surfaces.

Does action and reaction cause friction?

Action and reaction do not directly cause friction. Friction is a force that opposes motion and is a result of the interaction between two surfaces in contact. While action and reaction forces may contribute to generating frictional forces, they are not the primary cause of friction.

What relationship exists between the static frictional force and the normal force on an object?

The static frictional force is directly proportional to the normal force acting on an object. As the normal force increases, so does the maximum static frictional force that can be applied before the object starts moving. This relationship is described by the equation (f_{\text{friction}} \leq \mu_s \times N), where (f_{\text{friction}}) is the static frictional force, (\mu_s) is the coefficient of static friction, and (N) is the normal force.

What are the two factors that determine frictional force?

The two factors that determine frictional force are the roughness of the surfaces in contact and the amount of force pressing the surfaces together. Rougher surfaces and greater contact force result in higher frictional force.

State laws of limiting friction?

1. the direction of force of friction is always opposite to the direction of motion.. 2. the magnitude of limiting friction depends upon the nature and state of polish of the two surfaces in contact and acts tangentially to the interface between them.. 3. the magnitude of limiting friction 'F' is directly proportional to normal reaction 'R' between the two surfaces in contact.. 4. the magnitude of limiting friction is independent of area and shape of surfaces in contact as long as the normal reaction remains the same..

What two factors that affect the amount of friction between two surfaces?

The magnitude of the frictional force is directly proprotional to the normal reaction between the two surfaces.(2)Magnitude of the frictional force is independent of shape and area of the surfaces

What kind of force is friction?

Friction is a contact force that opposes the relative motion or tendency of motion between two surfaces in contact. It acts parallel to the surface and its direction opposes the motion of one surface over the other.

How do you calculate friction equals coefficient of friction X normal force when frictional force and coefficient force are variables not given?

If both the frictional force and coefficient of friction are variable and not given, it is not possible to calculate the friction force using the equation friction = coefficient of friction x normal force. The relationship between these variables would need to be explicitly provided in order to determine the friction force.

You need to move a 145-kg sofa to a different location in the room It takes a force of 92 N to start it moving What is the coefficient of static friction between the sofa and the carpet?

the coefficient of friction is linked to the normal reaction force and the Frictional force by means of F=uR where F = Frictional Force, R = Reaction Force and u = coefficient of friction. u=F/R where F =92 and R = 145 x 9.81 to convert a mass at the Earth's surface to a force. u = 0.065.

Why is it easier to push a empty box rather than if its full?

The mass of the full box, which is being pushed along some surface, is greater and therefore the reaction of the surface on the box is greater. The limiting friction is proportional to this reaction. So, there is a greater friction for the moving force to overcome.

Are reaction time and temperature directly proportional?

temperature is proportional to 1/time taken for reaction to complete (rate of reaction)