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3mo ago

There are three syllables in the word "physical."

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Q: How many syllables in physical?
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How many syllables the word physical?

3 syll, a, and ble

How many syllables does physical have?

There are three syllables in physical: phys-i-cal.Another way to count syllables is to count separate vowel sounds. Again, in this word there are three: short i, short i, and short u (also known as a schwa).

How many syllables does the word PE have?

The acronym P.E. itself has 2 syllables. However, if you expand the acronym to Physical Education, it has 7 syllables.

Can you show me the syllables in the noun physical?

There are 3 syllables. Phys-i-cal.

How do you do a cinquain poem on physical change?

A cinquain poem has five lines, with a distinct pattern of syllables: 2, 4, 6, 8, 2. For a physical change theme, you could start with two syllables describing the change, then elaborate in 4 syllables, provide detail in 6 syllables, further description in 8 syllables, and end with a reflection in 2 syllables. Experiment with words related to physical change like "shift," "transform," "evolve," or "morph" to create your poem.

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There are 3 syllables in symphony:sym/pho/ny

How many syllables in the word stomach?

there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'

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There are 14 syllables.

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There are two syllables in "wistfully."

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4 syllables am- phi- bi- an

How many syllables does awake have?

Awake has two syllables. The syllables are a-wake.

How many syllables in syllables in happened?

Happened has two syllables. The syllables are hap-pened.