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If the second hand began at 12, 1200 seconds would pass in this period, or 20 minutes.

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1mo ago

When the second hand is at 4 on a clock, 20 seconds have passed since the minute hand was pointing directly at the 12.

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8y ago

The answer depends on the starting point. If you started when the second hand was at 12 then 20 seconds have passed.

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Q: How many seconds have passed when the second hand is at 4?
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To determine the number of seconds it takes for the second hand of a clock to move from 12 to 2, we need to understand the motion of the second hand. The second hand completes one full revolution (360 degrees) in 60 seconds. The clock face is divided into 12 equal sections, each representing an hour. Each hour section represents: \frac{360^\circ}{12} = 30^\circ When the second hand moves from 12 to 2, it moves across 2 hour sections. Therefore, the angle swept by the second hand is: 2 \times 30^\circ = 60^\circ Since the second hand completes 360 degrees in 60 seconds, it sweeps through 1 degree in: \frac{60 \text{ seconds}}{360^\circ} = \frac{1}{6} \text{ seconds per degree} Therefore, to sweep through 60 degrees, the second hand will take: 60^\circ \times \frac{1}{6} \text{ seconds per degree} = 10 \text{ seconds} Thus, it takes 10 seconds for the second hand to move from 12 to 2.

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