The imperial gallon (imp gal), defined as 4.54609 litres, which is or was used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and some Caribbean countries; the US gallon (US gal), defined as 3.785411784 L, (231 cubic inches) which is used in the US and some Latin American and Caribbean countries
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 litres
There are approximately 3.78541 liters in 1 US gallon.
One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters.
A US gallon is a little less than 4 liters, 3.78541178 L. An Imperial gallon is less than 5 liters, 4.54609188 L.
Multiply your number of US gallons liters by 3.7854 you'll be close to the number of liters in the same volume. Multiply your number of liters by 0.2642 and you'll be close to the number of US gallons in the same volume.
One Imperial (Australian) gallon equates to 4.54609 litres.
4.545 litres to 1 Imperial Gallon (AUS uses Imperial Gallons as it's fuel volume standard.
One US gallons is about 3.785 liters.
No, there are 4.22 liters in an Australian gallon and 3.8 liters in an US gallon. A gallon is the same every where in the world, except USA, who have a smaller gallon
It is common knowledge that the US gallon is 3.785 litres and the Imperial gallon is 4.56 litres
There is no such thing as a metric gallon. The metric measurement is litres. There are 4.54609188 litres to an imperial gallon.
There are 1000000 litres in a gallon.
3.785 litres in a US gallon.
There are 4.54 litres in a UK gallon. There are 3.78 litres in a US gallon.
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 litres
3.785 Litres in a US gallon.
4.5 litres = 1 gallon