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A joule is defined as 1 kg being lifted 1 meter. Ergo 14 kilograms moved by 1 meter takes 14 joules.

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1mo ago

To calculate the energy needed to raise an object, you can use the formula: energy = mass x gravity x height. Plugging in the values, we get: energy = 14 kg x 9.81 m/s^2 x 1 m = 137.34 Joules. So, it takes 137.34 Joules of energy to raise a 14 kg object by 1 meter.

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Q: How many joules energy does it take to raise 14 kg 1 meter?
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How many joules of Solar energy in 1 sq meter?

On average, the amount of solar energy hitting 1 square meter of the Earth's surface is about 1000 watts, or 1000 joules per second under full sun exposure. This can vary depending on factors such as location, time of day, and atmospheric conditions. So, in one hour (3600 seconds), 1 square meter would receive about 3.6 million joules of solar energy under those conditions.

How many joules of energy does a 1 Newton book gain when it is elevated 4 meter?

The gravitational potential energy gained by lifting a 1 Newton book 4 meters is 4 Joules. This is calculated by multiplying the force (1 Newton) by the distance (4 meters) to get the energy in Joules.

How many mega joules per cubic meter of LPG?

The energy content of LPG varies depending on the specific composition of the fuel. On average, LPG has an energy density of around 25-28 megajoules per cubic meter.

How many joules does it take to raise temperature from 30 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees Celsius?

To raise the temperature of a substance, you need to calculate the heat energy using the specific heat capacity of the substance. Without knowing the specific heat capacity of the substance in question, it's not possible to determine the exact amount of energy required to raise the temperature from 30 to 45 degrees Celsius.

How many joules is 10 newtons?

To calculate the energy in joules, we need more information such as the distance over which the force is applied. If we assume the force is applied over a distance of 1 meter, then the work done would be 10 joules (Work = Force x Distance).

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To determine the joules of energy consumed, you would need to know the conversion factor from the units displayed on the electrical meter to joules. This conversion factor varies depending on factors like the voltage and current of the electricity supply. Typically, 1 unit of energy is equivalent to approximately 3600 joules. So if the meter reads 400 units, the energy consumed would be around 1,440,000 joules (400 units * 3600 joules/unit).

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On average, the amount of solar energy hitting 1 square meter of the Earth's surface is about 1000 watts, or 1000 joules per second under full sun exposure. This can vary depending on factors such as location, time of day, and atmospheric conditions. So, in one hour (3600 seconds), 1 square meter would receive about 3.6 million joules of solar energy under those conditions.

How many joules of energy does a 1 Newton book gain when it is elevated 4 meter?

The gravitational potential energy gained by lifting a 1 Newton book 4 meters is 4 Joules. This is calculated by multiplying the force (1 Newton) by the distance (4 meters) to get the energy in Joules.

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The energy content of LPG varies depending on the specific composition of the fuel. On average, LPG has an energy density of around 25-28 megajoules per cubic meter.

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To calculate the work done, we multiply force by distance, so in this case: Work = Force x Distance Work = 882 Newtons x 1 meter = 882 Joules Therefore, the man does 882 Joules of work when he jumps a meter into the air on Earth.

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To raise the temperature of a substance, you need to calculate the heat energy using the specific heat capacity of the substance. Without knowing the specific heat capacity of the substance in question, it's not possible to determine the exact amount of energy required to raise the temperature from 30 to 45 degrees Celsius.

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To calculate the energy in joules, we need more information such as the distance over which the force is applied. If we assume the force is applied over a distance of 1 meter, then the work done would be 10 joules (Work = Force x Distance).

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50.75 joules of energy equates to about 12.1 calories.

How many joules are in a newton?

There is no direct conversion between joules and newtons because they are units used to measure different quantities. Newtons measure force, while joules measure energy. However, work, which is measured in joules, can be calculated by multiplying force in newtons by distance in meters.

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Since work is equal to force times distance, and work and energy are equivalent in this context, we can use the equation W = Fd to find the force needed to produce 100 Joules of energy. If the distance is 1 meter, then the force required would be 100 Newtons.