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Thrust in a jet engine is created by the expulsion of high-velocity exhaust gases from the engine's nozzle. This is achieved by combusting fuel with compressed air to create a high-pressure and high-temperature gas flow. The reaction force from expelling this gas flow in one direction propels the aircraft forward in the opposite direction.

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Q: How is thrust created by a jet engine?
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What does the thrust push against in a jet engine?

The thrust in a jet engine pushes against the surrounding air. As the engine expels high-velocity exhaust gases backward, the equal and opposite reaction propels the aircraft forward.

How to Convert shaft horse power to pounds of jet thrust?

There is no direct conversion between shaft horsepower (SHP) and pounds of jet thrust, as they are two different measures of power and thrust for different types of engines. SHP measures the power output of a shaft-driven engine, while jet thrust measures the force produced by a jet engine. To compare the two, you would need to consider factors such as engine efficiency, design differences, and specific applications.

What is the source of the force of thrust for an airplane?

The source of thrust for an airplane is the propulsion system, typically a jet engine or a propeller. The engine generates thrust by expelling a high-speed jet of gas or creating airflow over the propeller blades, which propels the airplane forward through Newton's third law of motion.

What part of a plane and of a jet are used to create thrust?

In a jet engine, the part used to create thrust is the combustion chamber where fuel is burned to create high-speed exhaust gases. In a propeller plane, the propeller blade is the part that creates thrust by spinning rapidly and pushing air backwards.

How do jet engines provide a forward thrust to for an airplane?

Jet engines work by sucking in air, compressing it, mixing it with fuel, igniting the mixture, and then expelling hot gases at high speed through a nozzle in the back. The force created by the expulsion of the hot gases at high speed propels the aircraft forward. This principle of action and reaction, as described by Newton's third law of motion, generates the thrust needed for the airplane to move forward.

Related questions

What is thrust in an aircraft?

Thrust is the power made by a jet engine to propel an aircraft.

How thrust is increased in jet engine?

AfterburnersWater Injection

How does the jet on a jet plane makes the plane move?

The exhaust gases from combustion create thrust which pushed the plane in the other direction

What is the difference between a jet plane and a propeller?

A jet plane uses a jet engine's thrust for propulsion. A propeller is a set of blades somewhat like a big fan that blows air to the back of the plane for thrust instead of using a jet engine for the thrust to move the plane forward.

What is the total trust in gas turbin engine?

You must mean 'Thrust' . The thrust is the amount of power the jet engine supplies.

What does the engine on an airplane do?

They propel the aircraft by propellers or jet thrust.

Can you rev a jet engine without producing thrust?

No. Propeller aircraft however can adjust their props to a neutral position, allowing for no forward or reverse thrust. Jet engine blades are fixed.

What is the force that moves a plane forward?

Thrust. The pull of the propellers, the push of the jet engine, the pull of gravity.

What does the thrust push against in a jet engine?

The thrust in a jet engine pushes against the surrounding air. As the engine expels high-velocity exhaust gases backward, the equal and opposite reaction propels the aircraft forward.

A jet engine works under the principle of?

A jet engine works under the principle of force versus thrust.

What does the slang term turkey feathers mean when referring to a jet engine?

The exhaust nozzle on a jet engine that expande and retract depending on thrust

How are breaks applied in jet engines?

A jet engine has no brakes. Though they do have thrust reversers which change the direction of thrust to slow the aircraft down. Aeroplanes have brakes on the wheels.