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Aircraft fly by using a propulsion system, that being a propeller, or jet engine. Birds fly by flapping their wings in order to gain forward velocity.

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An airplane flies by generating lift using its wings, while a bird flies by flapping its wings to generate lift and propulsion. Birds have the ability to adjust their wing shape and angle more dynamically than airplanes, allowing for greater maneuverability and agility in flight. Additionally, birds can also soar and glide using air currents in ways that airplanes cannot.

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Q: How is the way an aeroplane flies different from the way a bird flies?
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Can a fly kill a human?

No, a fly cannot kill a human. Flies do not have the ability to physically harm humans in a way that would result in death. However, flies can carry diseases and bacteria that can cause illnesses if transmitted to humans.

Do flies see the same way humans see?

Flies see differently from humans. Their eyes are made up of many tiny units called ommatidia that each detect light and movement. This allows flies to see a mosaic image of their surroundings rather than a clear, detailed image like humans do.

How does a tail of a kite affect the way it flies?

A longer tail on a kite helps stabilize and balance it in flight by acting as a counterbalance to the kite's pull. The tail also provides drag, which prevents the kite from spinning and helps control its direction. However, too much tail can make the kite fly slower and decrease its maneuverability.

Explain how bernoulli's principle can keep a bird in the air?

Bernoulli's principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. When a bird flies, air moves faster over the curved upper surface of its wings, creating lower pressure than the stiller air beneath the wings. This pressure difference generates lift, keeping the bird aloft.

Can two object have the same speeds but different velocities?

No. Speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector. If velocities are the same, their magnitudes are the same, which is another way of saying that the speeds are the same.It can work the other way around, however ... same speed but different velocities, meaning same speed in different directions.

Related questions

How is the way an aeroplane flies different from the way abird flies?

Birds flap their wings while aeroplane do not flap their wings. aeroplane uses engines

How is the way a bird flies similar to the way a plane flies and how is it different?

the life styles of birds are very good similar to the way of plane flies

How is the way a bird flies similar to the way a plane flies?

they both can go high in the air

What does it mean when a bird flies into your garage?

it finds a way to get in a forgets the way it got in so it doesent know how to get out

What does the prefix 'ae' mean?

The ae-prefix means aero-, which is Spanish for air. For example, 'aeroplane' is a different way of saying, and spelling, 'airplane'

Can a cockatiel mate with a African grey bird?

No way. They are both different species, and completely different sizes.

What are the different parts of the mouth?

Bills or beaks are the type of mouthpart that a bird has. The beak is shaped in a way for the type of food that the bird eats.

How do you get the seagull away?

There are so many different ways. One way is that you can use a net to catch it, then drive someplace far, and let it go. Another way is to just swat at it so it flies away. Or you can take a bag and catch it, then tie a knot in the bag and toss it in the ocean. You can lure the bird with bits of cheese and make it go in someone's car and then they will drive away and the bird will be in there car.

It flies but it is uglier than a bird and it cannot see well?

That would have to be a bat, they have poor eyesight and find their way around using sonar.

What is the fastest way to get to UK?

Aeroplane in most cases, unless you're in Paris or Brussels.

What is the Best way to travel from Australia to Los Angeles?

I would say by aeroplane, but each to their own! :)

What is the correct way to spell airplane?

The standard English way is 'aeroplane'. However, 'airplane' is also accepted as the US and Canadian version.