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Sonar uses sound waves to detect objects underwater by bouncing off them and measuring the time it takes for the waves to return. The distance to an object is then calculated based on the time it takes for the sound waves to travel to the object and back to the sonar device. This process allows sonar to estimate the range to objects in the water.

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Q: How is sonar range detected?
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What is the differences of an active sonar and passive sonar?

Active sonar emits sound waves and listens for echoes, while passive sonar listens for sounds in the water without emitting any signals. Active sonar can provide range information but may also reveal the user's position, while passive sonar is more stealthy but lacks the ability to determine precise target range.

What type of waves are emitted detected by sonar waves?

Sonar waves are a type of sound wave that are emitted and detected underwater to determine the location and features of objects. They are high-frequency waves that travel through water and bounce off objects, allowing for the measurement of distance and shape.

How far can sonar detect?

The distance that sonar can detect objects underwater varies depending on factors like the power of the sonar system, water conditions, and the size of the object being detected. In general, sonar can detect objects up to several miles away when using higher power systems in optimal conditions.

What is sonar wave energy?

Sonar wave energy refers to the energy carried by sound waves emitted and detected by sonar systems. These sound waves travel through water, striking objects and bouncing back to the system, providing information about underwater surroundings. Sonar wave energy is essential for navigation, communication, and detection of objects in the ocean.

What is sonar signal?

Sonar signal refers to the sound waves emitted by a sonar system to detect objects underwater. These signals bounce off objects underwater and are then detected by the sonar system to create images or maps of the underwater environment. Sonar signals are commonly used in navigation, fisheries, oceanography, and military applications.

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How can you be detected under water when scuba-diving?

Diver can be detected by the air bubble they give off if NOT using a closed circuit rebrether. Additionally they can be detected with sonar as well as a hand held depth sonar type detector but at a limited range.

How are submarines detected under the sea?

The primary method of detection of submerged submarines is sonar. We also see magnetic anomaly detectors used at close range.

What is the differences of an active sonar and passive sonar?

Active sonar emits sound waves and listens for echoes, while passive sonar listens for sounds in the water without emitting any signals. Active sonar can provide range information but may also reveal the user's position, while passive sonar is more stealthy but lacks the ability to determine precise target range.

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What type of electromagnetic energy is detected by bats?

Bats can detect bio-sonar. They use it for echolocation.

What type of waves are emitted detected by sonar waves?

Sonar waves are a type of sound wave that are emitted and detected underwater to determine the location and features of objects. They are high-frequency waves that travel through water and bounce off objects, allowing for the measurement of distance and shape.

Can a sonar machine identify the object showing up on the sonar?

Sonar (which stands for SOund NAvigation and Ranging) can be made to identify the object it pings on - if active sonar; if passive sonar, identify the object making the sound it picks up. The higher the frequency of the active sonar ping, the better the resolution - but the shorter the range. At higher resolutions, it is not hard for the sonar to identify the object it pings on. At lower frequencies, the range is greater but it is harder for the sonar to identify what is being pinged. Another benefit of active sonar is the range and direction of the target can be discerned. Passive sonar just listens to the ambient water. Identification of the sound source can be made if the frequencies of the target making the sound are known and identified in a database. One problem with passive sonar is that it is hard to know the range of the target making the sound, although the direction will be known. Water temperature and depth have a great effect on sonar, so this must be taken into account when calculating distance. Sonar is used in the Military, Geological Surveying, and the Medical field.

How far can sonar detect?

The distance that sonar can detect objects underwater varies depending on factors like the power of the sonar system, water conditions, and the size of the object being detected. In general, sonar can detect objects up to several miles away when using higher power systems in optimal conditions.

What do we use reflection of sound for?

SONAR. Sound Navigation and Ranging. Ice bergs could be detected and accidents can be avoided.

What is sonar wave energy?

Sonar wave energy refers to the energy carried by sound waves emitted and detected by sonar systems. These sound waves travel through water, striking objects and bouncing back to the system, providing information about underwater surroundings. Sonar wave energy is essential for navigation, communication, and detection of objects in the ocean.

Antonym for sonar?

Sonar is a method of sound based ranging. Therefore as an object it is not subject to an antonym. There is the principal of radar which can also range, but it uses radio waves instead.

What is sonar signal?

Sonar signal refers to the sound waves emitted by a sonar system to detect objects underwater. These signals bounce off objects underwater and are then detected by the sonar system to create images or maps of the underwater environment. Sonar signals are commonly used in navigation, fisheries, oceanography, and military applications.