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Nuclear power plants use controlled atomic fission to generate electricity. Atoms of the fissile material are split and part of their mass is converted to energy in addition to neutrons being ejected from the nucleus. These neutrons impact other atoms within the fissile material which then release further energy and more neutrons. The reaction is controlled by absorbing most freed neutrons with material so an uncontrolled chain reaction doesn't occur like the atom bomb used in WWII. The energy released produces heat (and radiation) which heats liquid into steam turning turbines connected to electric generators to make electricity. The highly radioactive spent fuel is a dangerous waste product that must be warehoused for many lifetimes. Conversely, the simplest type of nuclear fusion, which may become a reality this century, converts hydrogen atoms into helium atoms and produces no radioactive waste products.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Nuclear fusion is not currently used as an energy source in power plants for commercial electricity generation. Fusion technology is still being developed and researched for its potential as a clean and sustainable energy source. It holds great promise due to its abundance of fuel, minimal waste production, and safety features once fully realized.

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13y ago

Almost all current nuclear reactors are fission-based. There are only a few fusion reactors because practical fusion reactors which create more energy than they need to operate have not yet been developed.

In terms of terminology, both fission reactors and fusion reactors are considered nuclear reactors, because both fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that alter the nuclei of atoms (fission breaking heavier atoms apart into lighter ones; fusion smashing lighter atoms together to make heavier ones).

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15y ago

Nuclear fusion has not yet been adapted to produce electricity-it may happen eventually but I think it will be 50 years before the problems are solved

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13y ago

Nuclear fission produces heat, which is used to heat water and make steam. This steam is then used in steam turbines to create electricity.

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12y ago

Both; however, as of yet, fusion is not a plausible way to make energy due to its cost.

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11y ago

all nuclear power plants use fission

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Q: Is nuclear fusion used as an energy source in power plants?
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Does nuclear fusion provides energy to green plants to grow?

No, nuclear fusion does not directly provide energy to green plants to grow. Green plants rely on photosynthesis, a process that converts sunlight into energy, to grow and produce food. Nuclear fusion is a process that occurs in stars and has the potential to provide a vast source of clean energy for human use.

What is the source of energy in nuclear power plants?

The source of energy in nuclear power plants is nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split into two or more smaller nuclei. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat, which is then used to generate electricity.

What energy is potential energy stored the nucleus of an atom?

The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear energy. This energy is released through processes such as nuclear fission or fusion. It is the source of energy in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

What are two common sources of nuclear energy?

Two common sources of nuclear energy are nuclear fission, where atoms are split to release energy, and nuclear fusion, where atoms are combined to release energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to generate electricity, while nuclear fusion is a process being researched as a potential future source of clean energy.

Which of the following is the main energy source for our sun?

The main energy source for our sun is nuclear fusion, specifically the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium in its core. This process releases immense amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.

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How the sun provides chemical energy to people on earth?

The source of energy is the nuclear fusion.

Does nuclear fusion provides energy to green plants to grow?

No, nuclear fusion does not directly provide energy to green plants to grow. Green plants rely on photosynthesis, a process that converts sunlight into energy, to grow and produce food. Nuclear fusion is a process that occurs in stars and has the potential to provide a vast source of clean energy for human use.

What is the source of energy in nuclear power plants?

The source of energy in nuclear power plants is nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split into two or more smaller nuclei. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat, which is then used to generate electricity.

Which nuclear reactions is the source of the sums energy?

Nuclear fusion

What is the source of energy in a star?

nuclear fusion

What is the source of a star energy?

nuclear fusion

What energy is potential energy stored the nucleus of an atom?

The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear energy. This energy is released through processes such as nuclear fission or fusion. It is the source of energy in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

What are two common sources of nuclear energy?

Two common sources of nuclear energy are nuclear fission, where atoms are split to release energy, and nuclear fusion, where atoms are combined to release energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to generate electricity, while nuclear fusion is a process being researched as a potential future source of clean energy.

Which of the following is the main energy source for our sun?

The main energy source for our sun is nuclear fusion, specifically the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium in its core. This process releases immense amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.

What percent of the US' energy does nuclear fusion supply?

The nuclear fusion is not used now as a source of energy; probable possible in a far future.

What is the source of stars energy?

Nuclear fusion, usually by fusing hydrogen-1 to helium-4.

What type of energy is the sun's energy source?

hydrogen fusion