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Gamma rays are emitted during radioactive decay processes in which the nucleus releases excess energy. This can happen after alpha or beta decay has occurred, leaving the nucleus in an excited state. The emission of gamma rays allows the nucleus to transition to a more stable state by releasing high-energy photons.

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Q: How is gamma ray emitted?
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What is the symbol and charge of a gamma ray?

The symbol for a gamma ray is γ, and its charge is neutral (0). Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by the nucleus of an atom.

What happens to a gamma ray after it is a emitted?

After a gamma ray is emitted, it travels at the speed of light and can penetrate matter. It can collide with atoms, ionize them, and cause damage to cells and DNA. However, gamma rays can also be absorbed by certain materials, such as lead or concrete, which can help shield against their harmful effects.

What is the energy of a gamma ray?

The energy of a gamma ray can vary widely, ranging from a few keV to several MeV. Gamma rays are high-energy photons emitted during nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, and other high-energy processes.

What is a high energy ray emitted from some radioactive atoms that is not affected by a magnetic field?

A high energy ray emitted from some radioactive atoms that is not affected by a magnetic field is called a gamma ray. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with the highest frequency and energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. They are often produced during radioactive decay processes and can penetrate materials easily.

What is the identity of a gamma ray?

A gamma ray is a type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted from the atomic nucleus during radioactive decay or nuclear reactions. It is the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation, with a very short wavelength and high frequency.

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the gamma ray.

A penetrating ray of energy emitted by an unstable nucleus?

Gamma rays.

What is the symbol and charge of a gamma ray?

The symbol for a gamma ray is γ, and its charge is neutral (0). Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by the nucleus of an atom.

What type of radiation is emitted from Iridium-192?

The radiation emited is gamma ray

What happens to a gamma ray after it is a emitted?

After a gamma ray is emitted, it travels at the speed of light and can penetrate matter. It can collide with atoms, ionize them, and cause damage to cells and DNA. However, gamma rays can also be absorbed by certain materials, such as lead or concrete, which can help shield against their harmful effects.

He high energy photon emitted by a nucleus during fission and radioactive decay?

gamma ray

When a gamma ray is emitted by a necleus the nucleus then has appreciably less mass or charge?

When a gamma ray is emitted by a nucleus, neither the mass nor the charge of the nucleus changes. Gamma emission involves the release of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, but it does not alter the fundamental properties of the nucleus such as mass or charge.

Why x ray or gamma ray are not emitted from blackbody spectrum?

For gamma rays, it's by definition. Gamma rays are emitted from nuclear decay events, so even if a black body were to emit a photon with the same frequency as a gamma ray, it wouldn't be a gamma ray.X-rays, though... at the high frequency end of the spectrum, the intensity of the radiation emitted is proportional to e-v. Since v (which should really be a Greek nu) for X-rays starts at around 3x1016, e-v is a very very small number indeed.

What is an example of a gamma ray-?

It is like high radiation that comes from a star.

What is the energy of a gamma ray?

The energy of a gamma ray can vary widely, ranging from a few keV to several MeV. Gamma rays are high-energy photons emitted during nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, and other high-energy processes.

When was the first gamma ray seen?

In 1900, during a study of the radiation emitted from radium, French chemist and physicist Paul Villard observed gamma radiation.

What is a high energy ray emitted from some radioactive atoms that is not affected by a magnetic field?

A high energy ray emitted from some radioactive atoms that is not affected by a magnetic field is called a gamma ray. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with the highest frequency and energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. They are often produced during radioactive decay processes and can penetrate materials easily.