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ligt waves are different from other ways because they have charicteristics of particles and waves. It has never been proven that it is one or the other. Youngs double slit experiment shows us that light waves diffract and interfere.

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4mo ago

A light wave is a type of electromagnetic wave, while other waves, such as sound waves or water waves, are mechanical waves that require a medium to travel through. Additionally, light waves can travel through a vacuum, unlike mechanical waves which need a medium. Light waves also have much higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths compared to other types of waves.

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Q: How is a light wave different than any other wave?
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When does light demonstrates wave characteristics?

Light demonstrates wave characteristics when it undergoes phenomena such as interference, diffraction, and polarization. These behaviors are consistent with light behaving as a wave rather than a particle.

The wavelength of a light wave can be used to measure what?

The wavelength of a light wave can be used to measure the color of the light. Different wavelengths correspond to different colors of light on the visible spectrum.

What trait wave is described by its wavelength?

The distance from one wave peak to the next wave peak

What is the wave length that is shorter than a light wave?

Ultraviolet waves have shorter wavelengths than visible light waves.

What are thee different theories of light?

Newton's corpuscular theory Huygen's mechanical wave theory Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theory Finally Planck's quantum theory LIght as a single "photon" acts somewhat differently than a wave (of energy).

Light travels as a wave?

Light and other electromagnetic waves do indeed travel as a wave. For that reason, light, radio waves and all other electromagnetic waves can be characterized by a wavelength. Different colors of light have different wavelengths in the range of around 400 nanometers to 800 nanometers. However, they can also be considered to be particles instead of waves. In some branches of physics, the concept of light as a particle can be very useful. For most of us, treating light as a wave is quite sufficient.

What is the difference between the blue wave and the red wave of light?

The blue wave of light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than the red wave of light. This leads to blue light being scattered more easily by the atmosphere, which is why the sky appears blue. On the other hand, red light is less scattered and is more visible in the evening when the sun is low in the sky.

Different wave lengths of visible light result in different?

...colors when the light enters your eyes.

What color of light has a shorter wave length explain your answer?

Violet light has shorter wavelength than any other color. I looked it up.

How does the length of a light wave affect the amount of energy it contains?

The energy of a light wave is inversely proportional to its length. In other words, shorter light waves have more energy than longer light waves. This relationship is described by the equation E=hc/λ, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of the light wave.

What has wave lengths longer than the wave lengths of visible light?

Radio waves, microwaves and infrared light have a longer wavelength and lower frequency than visible light.

What is an example of transversal wave and longitudinal wave?

Sound is a longitudinal wave, as is any other mechanical wave. Light is a transversal wave, as all other Elektromagnetic waves.