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roughly 1500 feet above the ground.

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The atomic bomb was detonated about 1,900 feet (580 meters) above Hiroshima.

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Q: How high was the atom bomb detonated on Hiroshima?
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How was the atomic bomb detonated?

The atomic bomb was detonated through a process called nuclear fission, where the nuclei of heavy atoms, such as uranium or plutonium, are split to release a tremendous amount of energy. This energy causes a chain reaction that leads to a powerful explosion.

What does a nuclear bomb contain?

A nuclear bomb contains either enriched uranium or plutonium as its fissile material, surrounded by conventional high explosives. When the explosives are detonated, they compress the fissile material to trigger a chain reaction, releasing a massive amount of energy in the form of a nuclear explosion.

What is the difference between a hydrogen bomb and an atomic bomb?

A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, uses both fission and fusion to release energy, making it more powerful than an atomic bomb, which relies solely on fission. Hydrogen bombs are capable of producing much larger explosions than atomic bombs due to the fusion reaction they generate.

Diameter of destruction from atomic bomb?

The diameter of destruction from an atomic bomb can vary based on its size and type, as well as the distance from the blast center. For example, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had a blast radius of around 1.5 miles, causing widespread devastation. The destructive effects can extend even farther due to related factors like fires, radiation, and shock waves.

What is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb?

A traditional nuclear fission bomb is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb. The explosion from the fission bomb generates the high temperatures and pressures needed to initiate the fusion reaction in the hydrogen bomb.

Related questions

How high was the bomb at Hiroshima dropped at?

31,600 ft

Which is more powerful an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb?

They are the same kind of bomb: bombs that derive their energy from the atomic nucleus. It just depends on design and how much of the design yield is from fission or from fusion. Pure fission bombs cannot be built with yields above 1 megaton, but including some fusion the theoretical yield is unlimited.However considering mission, construction costs, size limits, etc. it is usually more practical to build low yield bombs that are part fission part fusion than to try to build high yield bombs of either type.The lowest yield nuclear bomb tested was the US Davy Crocket at 10 tons yield, the highest yield nuclear bomb tested was the USSR Tsar Bomba at 52 to 58 megatons yield (depending on method of measurement). Both were part fission part fusion designs, although the designs were obviously very different: the Davy Crocket was almost entirely fission yield, the Tsar Bomba was over 95% fusion yield and generated the least fallout per kiloton yield of any nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere.

How high did the hiroshima bomb rise?

The cloud rose to over 60,000 feet in about ten minutes.

How high did the atomic bomb rise in Hiroshima?

The cloud rose to over 60,000 feet in about ten minutes.

Was it a sunny or rainy day when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?

It had to be a sunny day because the bomb had to be dropped from a high altitude so as not to endanger the bomber, and the only way to hit the target during that era was by sighting it through an optical bomb sight. After Hiroshima, the next city to be bombed was Kokura, but it was saved by heavy cloud cover, and Nagasaki was bombed instead.

How long does it take to live somewhere when someone dropped an atomic bomb on it?

Too many variables to give a simple answer- depends on the bomb, and how it is used- surface burst, high air burst, etc. In the best situation, a few weeks. You might note that the only two cities to ever have been atom bombed- Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both have people living and working there.

Why was Hiroshima important?

Hiroshima, the capital of Japan's Hiroshima Prefecture, was the target of the first nuclear weapon dropped by the United States in the war. A number of Japanese cities were selected as possible targets (but not Tokyo) to demonstrate the power of a nuclear device to the Japanese High Command and the Emporer of Japan. It was hoped that they would see the wisdom in immediate surrender and the end of the War in the Pacific (WWII). Links are provided.

How was the atomic bomb detonated?

The atomic bomb was detonated through a process called nuclear fission, where the nuclei of heavy atoms, such as uranium or plutonium, are split to release a tremendous amount of energy. This energy causes a chain reaction that leads to a powerful explosion.

Worlds biggest bomb?

The WWII Grand Slam earthquake bombs made and used by the British to attack U-Boat pens and other concrete targets was the largest bomb used in that era. The 22000 pound (10000 kilogram) bomb - containing 9135 pounds of Torpex explosive with a yield of 6.2 tons of TNT equivalent - was carried by specially modified Avro Lancaster bombers.The Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power, ATBIP, nicknamed the 'Father of all Bombs', is likely the largest non-nuclear bomb ever created with a yield of 44 tons of TNT equivalent. It carries just over 7 tonnes of enhanced explosive which uses atmospheric oxygen to burn - hence the thermobaric description - which makes it more powerful but equally as difficult to control.The Cold War-era RDS-220, commonly known as Tsar Bomba (the Tsar Bomb) is the largest bomb of any kind ever built and detonated. Only one was ever made and subsequently detonated in 1961 in Russia, with an estimated yield of over 50 megatons. The fireball was large enough to reach the ground and the altitude of the bomber that carried it, 10.5 kilometres high - it was bright and hot enough to be seen and felt 1000 kilometres away from ground zero. The shockwave was felt even on its third journey around the world, and windows were smashed in Finland and Sweden (around 800 kilometres away).

Why little boy used for the bombing in hiroshima?

High altitude bombing in WWII was extremely inaccurate. An airming point was selected based on previous photo reconnisance and that meant that the bombradier had to find something on the ground that stood out and that could be identified through the bomb site. At Hiroshima, the T-shaped bridge over the Aioi River was selected as the aiming point. Detonation was 550 feet off the mark and with an atomic bomb, that was close enough to destroy the target.

What creature can survive from atom bomb attack?

Cockroaches are known to be able to survive high levels of radiation, including from an atomic bomb attack. Their ability to withstand extreme conditions and high levels of radiation makes them one of the most resilient creatures on Earth.

What were the bombs filled with that America had dropped on Japan?

There were a great many bombs dropped on Japan, mainly high explosive bombs, and incendiary bombs. The bomb used on Hiroshima was a atomic bomb holding 115 lbs of Uranium 235 (less than 1% of that was used in the explosion). The bomb dropped on Nagasaki was a Plutonium bomb, holding about 13.6 lbs of Plutonium. (about 20% of that was used up in the explosion)