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Friction speed depends on the surfaces in contact, roughness, and force applied. Typically, it acts instantly when two surfaces come into contact, creating resistance that opposes motion.

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Q: How fast is friction?
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When driving friction is critically affected by your what?

When driving, friction is critically affected by the condition of your tires, the road surface, and the speed at which you are traveling. Tires with low tread depth reduce friction, while a rough road surface can increase friction. Driving too fast can also reduce friction and increase the risk of skidding.

What are two examples in which friction is not wanted?

In machine components, such as bearings or gears, excessive friction can lead to wear and reduce efficiency. In sports, like ice skating or skiing, minimizing friction is desired to allow for smooth and fast movement.

Is friction useful when are going down a slide?

Friction can be useful to control the speed of the slide and prevent the person from sliding too fast. However, too much friction can cause the person to come to a sudden stop or experience discomfort. Finding the right balance of friction is important for a smooth and enjoyable slide experience.

What is an example of a non-useful friction?

An example of a non-useful friction is air resistance when riding a bicycle. It can slow down the motion of the bicycle and requires more energy to overcome, making it less efficient.

When you fall down stairs is friction bad and why?

Friction is essential when you fall down stairs because it helps to slow down your descent and minimize the impact of the fall. In this case, friction is actually helpful in preventing you from slipping further or falling too fast. However, excessive friction can also cause injuries, so finding a balance is important.

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What is a non example of friction?

Racing because friction slows you down but you need to go fast.

How will friction affect a parachute?

How fast it flies down

What is an example of a non useful friction?

Racing because friction slows you down but you need to go fast.

What is 1 example of low friction?

Ice skating is because you dont go fast and there is rarely any friction

Why does the maglev go so fast?

because you feel like ur going fast so you are going fast/ there is less friction

2 ways friction can be increased?

Going faster and run fast

Why are levitating train go fast then normal train?

Less (rolling) friction.

What helps seal move fast in the water?

No fur so less friction with the water.

When driving friction is critically affected by your what?

When driving, friction is critically affected by the condition of your tires, the road surface, and the speed at which you are traveling. Tires with low tread depth reduce friction, while a rough road surface can increase friction. Driving too fast can also reduce friction and increase the risk of skidding.

Why don't you go as fast on the grass as you do on concrete on a scooter?

The grass has more friction than the concrete, so the scooter doesn't go as fast

Is it true that if you play a violin fast enough it catches on fire?

no but when you do play the violin to fast it causes friction that causes heat hope this was helpful.