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The distance a rubber ball falls in 10 seconds will depend on the height from which it is dropped and the acceleration due to gravity. On Earth, neglecting air resistance, the general equation to calculate the distance fallen is: distance = 0.5 * acceleration due to gravity * time^2.

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Q: How far will a rubber ball fall in ten seconds?
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How far will a rubber ball fall in 10 seconds?

Assuming the rubber ball is dropped from rest and falls freely, it will fall a distance of approximately 490 meters in 10 seconds. This value is calculated using the formula for free fall under gravity: (d = 0.5 \times g \times t^2), where (d) represents distance fallen, (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s(^2)), and (t) is the time in seconds.

How far in feet does an object fall in 2 seconds?

An object in free fall will fall approximately 64 feet in 2 seconds.

How far will a soccer ball travel in 2 seconds?

Depends on the speed the ball travels.

How far will a person fall in 10 seconds?

1,100 to 1,300 feet.

How far will an object near the Earth's surface fall in 7 seconds?

Assuming the object is in free fall near Earth's surface, it will fall approximately 343.3 meters (1126 feet) in 7 seconds. This calculation is based on the formula for free fall distance: d = 1/2 * g * t^2, where d is the distance fallen, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time in seconds.

Why cant you throw a rubber ball far like a hard ball?

If the ball is lighter than the hard ball, then it is because a heavier ball has more force when moving at the same speed as a lighter ball. If they weigh the same, then it is because in some instances, with certain materials, a hard ball with a lot of "ping" to it will bounce further than a rubber ball, due to motive energy being converted to heat in the polymers of the rubber ball, thus decreasing the total motive energy.

Dose the temperature of a RUBBER bouncy ball effect the height of the bounce?

Yes it does. If the rubber is to cold the molecules in the rubber will not deflect "spring" allowing. If the rubber is to hot then those same molecules are to far apart to interact with each other in an optimal way.

How far will a object fall in 37 seconds?

It depends.If the object is a helium balloon, it will not fall on the surface of the earth. If it is a feather, it will fall much more slowly than a ball bearing. A ball bearing will fall much facter on the surface of the earth than it will on the moon.But, if you assume thatthe object is falling under the force of earth's gravity,It is a compact and massive object so that air resistance may be ignored, thens = 0.5*9.8*372 = 6708.1 metres.

How far will 70kg fall in 0.3 seconds?

It has been known since the 16th century that the mass of an object is irrelevant to how far it will fall. The main factor influencing the rate of fall is the shape of the object and, therefore, the air resistance (or buoyancy).

If an object free-falls for 2.6 seconds what will be its final velocity and how far will it fall?

The final velocity of an object in free-fall after 2.6 seconds is approximately 25.48 m/s. The distance the object will fall during this time is approximately 33 meters.

A ball is dropped off a ledge How far does it fall in the second second?

It all depends on the weight of the ball but if a tennis ball was thrown it would travel 2 1/2M in 2 seconds but cannot be calculated like this because the further the ball falls the more speed it gains. However there is a trick to this question because the 2nd second is only one second itself. making the answer 1M and 10CM !

A rubber ball has the property that on any bounce it returns to one third of the height from which it just fell Suppose the ball is dropped from 114 m how far has the ball traveled the fourth t?

the fourth hit will be approx 1.4 metres