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Terminal velocity is the constant speed that an object reaches when the force of gravity pulling it down is balanced by the force of air resistance pushing up on it. The actual distance required to reach terminal velocity varies depending on the object's mass, shape, and other factors. But in general, it takes around 1,500 feet for a skydiver to reach terminal velocity.

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Q: How far do you have to fall to get to terminal velocity?
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What does a parachute do to terminal velocity?

A parachute increases drag, slowing the fall of an object and reducing its terminal velocity. As the parachute deploys, it captures air and creates resistance, causing the object to fall more slowly towards the ground.

Does terminal speed and terminal velocity are the same?

Yes, terminal speed and terminal velocity are often used interchangeably to refer to the constant speed reached by an object falling through a fluid when the force of gravity is balanced by the drag force of the fluid.

Does a skydivers decreases her acceleration when falling 5 seconds before reaching her terminal velocity?

No, a skydiver's acceleration remains constant as they fall towards their terminal velocity. This is because terminal velocity is the point at which the forces of gravity and air resistance are balanced, resulting in a constant velocity.

In free fall when the air resistance is equal to the weight of the falling object we say that the object has reached velocity.?

Yes. When the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity acting on the falling object, the net force on the object becomes zero, causing it to reach terminal velocity. At this point, the object stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed.

What is the definition for terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is the constant speed reached by an object in free fall when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance. At terminal velocity, the net force on the object is zero, causing it to fall at a constant speed without accelerating further.

Related questions

What is the terminal velocity of body in a freely falling system?

Assuming the object starts at rest, it is zero. However, if the object is thrown upward or downward, its inital velocity will not be zero.

What does a parachute do to terminal velocity?

A parachute increases drag, slowing the fall of an object and reducing its terminal velocity. As the parachute deploys, it captures air and creates resistance, causing the object to fall more slowly towards the ground.

How fast can a man fall to earth from airplane?

The fastest rate a human can fall is called terminal velocity. Terminal velocity is when the gravity force upon an object is equal to that of the wind resistance. The normal terminal velocity of a human is around 125 miles per hour.

What is the difference between free fall and terminal velocity?

The difference between free fall and terminal velocity i that free fall is when an object is falling or descending through the air with little air resistance or drag. Terminal Velocity, on the other hand is when the resistance of air and the force of gravity balance each other out causing the object to reach a constant velocity. .

What is the final velocity?

Perhaps you mean Terminal Velocity, as in a parachute fall? This is the maximum speed reached in the fall. Final velocity will be zero, assuming you arrive on the ground.

Does terminal speed and terminal velocity are the same?

Yes, terminal speed and terminal velocity are often used interchangeably to refer to the constant speed reached by an object falling through a fluid when the force of gravity is balanced by the drag force of the fluid.

Does a skydivers decreases her acceleration when falling 5 seconds before reaching her terminal velocity?

No, a skydiver's acceleration remains constant as they fall towards their terminal velocity. This is because terminal velocity is the point at which the forces of gravity and air resistance are balanced, resulting in a constant velocity.

In free fall when the air resistance is equal to the weight of the falling object we say that the object has reached velocity.?

Yes. When the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity acting on the falling object, the net force on the object becomes zero, causing it to reach terminal velocity. At this point, the object stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed.

What is the definition for terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is the constant speed reached by an object in free fall when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance. At terminal velocity, the net force on the object is zero, causing it to fall at a constant speed without accelerating further.

When a object falls what does it reach because of air resistance?

When an object falls, it reaches terminal velocity due to air resistance. Terminal velocity is the constant speed an object will reach when the force of gravity pulling it down is equal to the force of air resistance pushing against it. At terminal velocity, the object stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed.

An object is in free fall until it reaches terminal velocity?

During free fall, an object accelerates due to gravity until air resistance balances the gravitational force, reaching terminal velocity. At terminal velocity, the object falls at a constant speed because the air resistance is equal to the force of gravity acting on it.

What is the greatest velocity an object reaches during free fall?

Assuming this is a free fall on the earth, the highest velocity an object in free fall can reach is 9.8 meters per second or 32 feet per second.answer 2. above is described the acceleration due to gravity on Earth.The Q asks for the Highest velocity. This is known as the Terminal Velocity.This depends upon buoyancy, air-resistance and so on. The terminal velocity of a Parachutist is much less than that of a rock. But Terminal Velocity is their greatest velocity.