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Electricity can be efficiently transported over long distances using high-voltage transmission lines. Typically, electricity can be transmitted efficiently up to around 300-400 miles (500-600 km) before significant losses occur. However, with advancements in technology such as HVDC (high-voltage direct current) transmission, it is possible to transport electricity even longer distances with minimal losses.

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That is far too complex to get into here. First you have to have at least a thorough knowledge of electricity and plumbing. Many plumbers I know can not do it efficiently from the electrical point of view. -Best idea is to call a well technician.That is far too complex to get into here. First you have to have at least a thorough knowledge of electricity and plumbing. Many plumbers I know can not do it efficiently from the electrical point of view. -Best idea is to call a well technician.

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Where does electricity work efficiently?

A transformer is one place where electricity is very efficient in changing AC voltages from one level to another.

What is an easily transported form of energy?

If you mean active energy that can be used directly, this is electricity.

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