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Visible light is a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye, with wavelengths ranging from approximately 400 to 700 nanometers. Unlike other electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves or X-rays, visible light is what enables us to see colors and shapes.

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Q: How does visable light differ from other EM waves?
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Where do visable light waves come from?

Visible light wave sources. Light bulbs and stars are good examples.

How are light and radiant energy the same?

there both in the electro magnetic spectrum. the visable section is the colours we see and there are 3 other types on each end. the spectrum is : Radio waves Micro waves ( funnily enough they are used in microwaves) Infra-red radiation Visable light ultraviolet x-ray gamma ray

What type of energy is visible and caused by vibrations?

Visible light energy is caused by vibrations of electromagnetic waves.

How are light and sound alike and differ?

they both have waves

The electromagnetic waves on one side of the visable band are called?

Ultraviolet waves are the electromagnetic waves on one side of the visible light spectrum. They have shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than visible light.

What are two ways of electromagnetic waves are different from each other?

Frequency: Electromagnetic waves differ in frequency, with radio waves having lower frequencies than visible light waves. Wavelength: Electromagnetic waves differ in wavelength, with gamma rays having shorter wavelengths than microwaves.

What All of the visable color light waves together make up?

All visible color light waves together make up white light. White light is a combination of all the colors in the visible spectrum, which can be seen when light is dispersed through a prism.

How does visible light differ from other EM waves?

It has wavelengths very roughly in the octave between 350 and 700 nanometers.

What are visable waves?

Visible waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation within a specific range of wavelengths that can be detected by the human eye. These waves make up the visible spectrum, which includes colors ranging from violet to red. Examples of visible waves include light emitted by the sun and artificial light sources such as light bulbs.

Sound waves that are musical differ in from other sound waves?


What are the 7 types of radiant energy?

Visible light Infrared radiation Ultraviolet radiation Radio waves Microwaves X-rays Gamma rays

What do microwaves have in common with light waves?

Microwaves and light waves are both forms of electromagnetic radiation, but differ in their wavelengths and frequencies. Microwaves have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies compared to visible light waves. Both types of waves can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed by different materials.