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The object distance of a convex lens is measured from the optical center to the object, while for a concave lens, it is measured from the optical center to the object along the path of light. In general, the object distance for a convex lens is positive, while for a concave lens, it is negative since the object distances are measured on the opposite sides of the lens.

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Q: How does the object distance of a convex lens compared with the object distance of a concave lens?
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What is the nature of graph of image distance vs object distance for concave mirror and convex lens?

For a concave mirror, the graph of image distance vs. object distance is typically parabolic. As the object distance increases, the image distance initially decreases and then increases. For a convex lens, the graph is also parabolic with similar characteristics, as the image distance changes with respect to the object distance following a curved path.

Is a mold convex or concave?

A mold is typically concave, as it forms the negative space of the object being molded. This allows the object to be shaped and formed according to the contours of the mold when the material is poured or pressed into it.

Write magnification relation in terms of you and v for convex lens and concave mirror?

For a convex lens, the magnification relation is given by ( M = \frac{v}{u} ), where ( M ) is the magnification, ( v ) is the image distance, and ( u ) is the object distance. For a concave mirror, the magnification relation is given by ( M = \frac{-v}{u} ), where ( M ) is the magnification, ( v ) is the image distance, and ( u ) is the object distance.

Is it possible to find whether a mirror is plane concave or convex from the nature of image of an object?

Yes, by studying the nature of the image formed by a mirror, you can determine whether it is plane, concave, or convex. For example, in a plane mirror, the image will be upright and the same size as the object. In a concave mirror, the image can be either real or virtual depending on the object's distance from the mirror. In a convex mirror, the image will always be virtual and smaller than the object.

What are the three kinds of mirrors and what kind of images do they reflect?

The three kinds of mirrors are plane mirrors, concave mirrors, and convex mirrors. Plane mirrors reflect a virtual image that is upright and the same size as the object. Concave mirrors reflect both real and virtual images, depending on the object's position relative to the mirror. Convex mirrors always reflect virtual images that are smaller and upright.

Related questions

What is the nature of graph of image distance vs object distance for concave mirror and convex lens?

For a concave mirror, the graph of image distance vs. object distance is typically parabolic. As the object distance increases, the image distance initially decreases and then increases. For a convex lens, the graph is also parabolic with similar characteristics, as the image distance changes with respect to the object distance following a curved path.

Is a mold convex or concave?

A mold is typically concave, as it forms the negative space of the object being molded. This allows the object to be shaped and formed according to the contours of the mold when the material is poured or pressed into it.

Write magnification relation in terms of you and v for convex lens and concave mirror?

For a convex lens, the magnification relation is given by ( M = \frac{v}{u} ), where ( M ) is the magnification, ( v ) is the image distance, and ( u ) is the object distance. For a concave mirror, the magnification relation is given by ( M = \frac{-v}{u} ), where ( M ) is the magnification, ( v ) is the image distance, and ( u ) is the object distance.

Is it possible to find whether a mirror is plane concave or convex from the nature of image of an object?

Yes, by studying the nature of the image formed by a mirror, you can determine whether it is plane, concave, or convex. For example, in a plane mirror, the image will be upright and the same size as the object. In a concave mirror, the image can be either real or virtual depending on the object's distance from the mirror. In a convex mirror, the image will always be virtual and smaller than the object.

To magnify an object would you use a convex lens or a concave lens?

You would use a convex lens.

What are the three kinds of mirrors and what kind of images do they reflect?

The three kinds of mirrors are plane mirrors, concave mirrors, and convex mirrors. Plane mirrors reflect a virtual image that is upright and the same size as the object. Concave mirrors reflect both real and virtual images, depending on the object's position relative to the mirror. Convex mirrors always reflect virtual images that are smaller and upright.

What is formula for concave lens?

The formula for a concave lens is the same as for a convex lens, which is given by the lens formula: 1/f = 1/v + 1/u, where f is the focal length of the lens, v is the image distance, and u is the object distance. For a concave lens, the focal length is considered negative.

Why Describe two ways using convex and concave lenses to form and image that is smaller the the object?

Using a convex lens: When an object is placed between the focal point and the convex lens, the image formed will be virtual, upright, and smaller in size. Using a concave lens: Placing an object further away from the concave lens than its focal point will result in an image that is virtual, upright, and smaller than the object.

Describe the images formed in a concave mirror and in a convex mirror?

In a concave mirror, images can be real or virtual, and can be either magnified or reduced in size. They are formed depending on the location of the object with respect to the focal point of the mirror. In a convex mirror, the image formed is always virtual, upright, and reduced in size. The image is formed behind the mirror and its size depends on the distance of the object from the mirror.

How do images formed by a concave lens and convex mirror different?

Images formed by a concave lens are always virtual, upright, and reduced in size. On the other hand, images formed by a convex mirror are virtual, erect, and diminished in size. Additionally, concave lenses can form both real and virtual images depending on the object distance, while convex mirrors only produce virtual images.

What is position of focus point in convex mirror and concave mirror?

In a convex mirror, the focus point is located behind the mirror, on the same side as the object. In a concave mirror, the focus point is located in front of the mirror, on the opposite side of the object.

What type of lenses are used to enlarge an object?

Convex lenses are typically used to enlarge an object. These lenses are thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges, causing light rays to converge and produce a magnified image.