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As a substance freezes, the particles slow down and move closer together, forming a more ordered arrangement. This results in a decrease in the substance's volume and a transition from a liquid to a solid state.

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Q: How does the motion and arrangement of particles is a substance change as the substance freezes?
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What happens when a substance changes from one state of matter to another?

When a substance changes from one state of matter to another (e.g. solid to liquid, liquid to gas), the arrangement and movement of its particles are altered. Energy is either absorbed or released during the change, causing the substance's temperature to either increase or decrease. This process is known as a phase transition.

What happens to matter and the particles of an object during physical change?

During a physical change, the matter remains the same, but the arrangement and position of the particles within the object may change. This can involve processes like melting, freezing, or evaporating, where the particles gain or lose energy to shift from one state to another while still maintaining their identity.

What happens to energy during a change of state Why is it physical change?

During a change of state, energy is either absorbed or released as heat. This is because the particles in a substance need energy to break their bonds and move into a new arrangement. A change of state is a physical change because it does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the substance, only its physical properties.

How the arrangement and motion of the particle change when a solid melts a liquid boils a gas condensesa liquid freezes?

When a solid melts, the particles gain enough energy to overcome their fixed positions and start moving more freely, changing from a fixed lattice structure to a less orderly arrangement. When a liquid boils, the particles gain enough energy to break free from the liquid state and become a gas, moving much more freely and independently. When a gas condenses, the particles lose energy and come together to form a liquid, becoming more orderly and close together. When a liquid freezes, the particles lose energy and transition from a freely moving state to a rigid arrangement, forming a solid lattice structure.

What happes to particles in a substance when the substance's temperature increases?

As the substance's temperature increases, the particles within the substance gain energy and begin to move faster. This increased movement causes the particles to occupy more space as they spread out, leading to expansion of the substance. If the temperature increase is sufficient, the substance may change state from solid to liquid, or from liquid to gas.

Related questions

How does a motions arrangement of particles change as a substance freezes?

The motion slows down, and the arrangement normally packs closer together.

Describe how the motion and arrangement of particles in a substance change as the substance freezes?

As a substance freezes, the particles slow down and lose kinetic energy. This leads to a more orderly arrangement of particles as they form a solid crystal lattice structure. The particles become locked into fixed positions, resulting in a decrease in overall movement and fluidity within the substance.

Describe how the motion and arrangements of particles change as a substance freezes?

As a substance freezes, the particles slow down and come closer together, forming a more ordered and structured arrangement. This transition from liquid to solid is accompanied by a release of heat energy as the particles lose kinetic energy and settle into a fixed position.

Are the particles in a rock still solid even if it dissolves?

no the substance is aqueous. oh and its never the particles that are solid/ liquid... they don't really change, its just the molecular arrangement and the intermolecular forces that change

What happens to particle size when a substance undergoes physical change?

In general, the particle size remains the same during a physical change. The arrangement or organization of the particles may change, but the individual particles themselves do not break down or change in size.

What effects does an energy change have on the idenitity of a substance?

An energy change does not alter the identity of a substance. It may cause a physical change (like melting or boiling) or a chemical change (like reactions), but the substance itself remains the same at the molecular level. The energy change only affects the arrangement or movement of particles within the substance.

What are the arrangement of particles in a pancake?

the arrangement of particles in a pancake are that when you prepare the pancake with the ingredients it turns into a liquid and then when you cook it change into a solid

What causes phase change's to occur?

Phase changes occur when there is a change in temperature or pressure that affects the arrangement of particles in a substance. When a substance gains or loses energy, its particles can move farther apart or closer together, leading to a change in phase (such as melting, freezing, boiling, or condensation) as the substance transitions between solid, liquid, and gas states.

What happens when a substance changes from one state of matter to another?

When a substance changes from one state of matter to another (e.g. solid to liquid, liquid to gas), the arrangement and movement of its particles are altered. Energy is either absorbed or released during the change, causing the substance's temperature to either increase or decrease. This process is known as a phase transition.

What happens to matter and the particles of an object during physical change?

During a physical change, the matter remains the same, but the arrangement and position of the particles within the object may change. This can involve processes like melting, freezing, or evaporating, where the particles gain or lose energy to shift from one state to another while still maintaining their identity.

What is the change in state when a substance freezes?

Type your answer here..the shape and volume

Why is freezing a physical property?

Freezing is a physical change because the substance that freezes does not change its chemical composition.