

How does the mircoscope work?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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14y ago

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The microscope works because of two lenses (ocular and objective). The objective lens magnifies the object and produces a real image. This image is projected to the ocular lens and produces the virtual image, which is the one that the eye views.

More specifically, light from substage bounces off a mirror and illuminates the object on the slide being viewed on the stage. The light is then bent into a parallel path and travels through the microscope tube (through the objective lens). Then the light is bent again into a small focus for the eye to view the magnified object through the ocular lenses. Switching the amount the object is magnified by switching the objective lens changes how much the light is bent.

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1mo ago

A microscope works by using lenses to magnify small objects that are not visible to the naked eye. Light is passed through the object being viewed, allowing the details to be seen more clearly. The magnified image can then be viewed through the eyepiece or captured with a camera.

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Input work is the work done on a machine, while output work is the work done by the machine. Efficiency of a simple machine is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. The efficiency of a simple machine is high when the output work is close to the input work, indicating that the machine is converting most of the input work into useful output work.

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The work that a simple machine does is called mechanical work. It refers to the amount of force applied over a distance to accomplish a task using the simple machine.

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microbes, microorganisms, microscopic organisms...think MICRO-scope and MICRObes, MICROorganisms...


light mircoscope. you little study island fiend.