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Very little affect. The weight is chosen by: 1) Won't require enormous bearings, or clockworks. 2) Heavy enough so that air resistance is not the dominant force. 3) Not so heavy that the Earth's rotation will not break the clock. etc.

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16y ago
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16y ago

The mass has no effect on the period of the pendulum. The period depends on the maximum speed at the lowest point and the maximum speed only depends on the height at the highest point. ___ (v = √2gh ) Where v= speed g= gravitation accelaration h= highest point Hope this helps Rita-Marie Barnard South Africa e-mail:

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13y ago

The formula:

Period of the pendulum = 2 x pi x square root of (length of pendulum / acceleration due to gravity)

So, the period depends on the length of pendulum and the planet you're on.

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13y ago

Yes it does. In fact, if the string of the pendulum increase, then the period will decrease. It means that the the pendulum is accelerating as the sring gets longer.

Hope I helped :)

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15y ago

No weight is not a factor in the speed of a pendulum swing

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11y ago

With increased gravity, period of pendulum shortens. Because with increase in gravity, object tend to fall faster.

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14y ago

regardless of lenght or swing of the pendulum its time is always the same this is referrerd to as the PENDULUMS PERIODIC SWING as discovered by gallileo

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11y ago

It does not affect.

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Q: How does gravity affect a pendulum?
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Why does a swinging pendulum lose energy once it is set into motion?

When a pendulum is released to fall, it changes from Potential energy to Kinetic Energy of a moving object. However, due to friction (ie: air resistance, and the pivot point) and gravity the pendulum's swing will slowly die down. A pendulum gets its kinetic energy from gravity on its fall its equilibrium position which is the lowest point to the ground it can fall, however, even in perfect conditions (a condition with no friction) it can never achieve a swing (amplitude) greater than or equal to its previous swing. Every swing that the pendulum makes, it gradually looses energy or else it would continue to swing for eternity without stopping. Extra: Using special metals that react little to temperature, finding a near mass-less rod to swing the bob (the weight) and placing the pendulum in a vacuum has yielded some very long lasting pendulums. While the pendulum will lose energy with every swing, under good conditions the amount of energy that the pendulum loses can be kept relatively small. Some of the best pendulum clocks can swing well over a million times.

What is a pendulum bob?

The bob is the weight on the end of the pendulum.

What are two forces that can affect an object's velocity?

Gravity and friction there are others also like magnetism for example..

How does gravity affect the path of the arrow after it has been launched?

It pulls it towards the Earth.

How does the force of gravity affect the relationships among space objects?

Objects float in space because there is no gravity to pull the objects down. While on earth there is gravity so it pulls the objects to the ground.

Related questions

Why does the mass of pendulum not affect its period?

The period of a pendulum is influenced by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The mass of the pendulum does not affect the period because the force of gravity acts on the entire pendulum mass, causing it to accelerate at the same rate regardless of its mass. This means that the mass cancels out in the equation for the period of a pendulum.

Does the force gravity speed up the period of a pendulum?

No, the force of gravity does not affect the period of a pendulum. The period of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. Changing the force of gravity would not change the period as long as the length of the pendulum remains constant.

How does gravity affect the pendulum to stop?

Gravity doesn't make a pendulum stop. Air resistance and friction in the pivot are the things that rob its energy. If you could eliminate those and leave it all up to gravity, the pendulum would never stop.

How does amplitude of a pendulum affect frequency?

The amplitude of a pendulum does not affect its frequency. The frequency of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The period of a pendulum (which is inversely related to frequency) depends only on these factors, not on the amplitude of the swing.

How does the length affect pendulum in a period?

The period of a pendulum is independent of its length. The period is determined by the acceleration due to gravity and the length of the pendulum does not affect this relationship. However, the period of a pendulum may change if the amplitude of the swing is very wide.

Does the length of pendulum affect the period of vibration?

Yes. Given a constant for gravity, the period of the pendulum is a function of it's length to the center of mass. In a higher gravity, the period would be shorter for the same length of pendulum.

What happens when you double the mass of a pendulum?

Doubling the mass of a pendulum will not affect the time period of its oscillation. The time period of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity, but not on the mass of the pendulum bob.

Does a pendulum move faster the longer it is?

No, the length of the pendulum does not affect its speed. The speed of a pendulum is determined by the height from which it is released and the force of gravity acting on it.

How do the tension of the cord and the force of gravity affect a pendulum?

The tension in the cord provides the restoring force that makes the pendulum swing back and forth. The force of gravity acts on the mass of the pendulum, contributing to its acceleration. Both factors influence the period and amplitude of the pendulum's motion.

Why does mass not affect the period of a pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity, but it is independent of the mass of the pendulum bob. This is because as the mass increases, so does the force of gravity acting on it, resulting in a larger inertia that cancels out the effect of the increased force.

Does force affect a pendulum?

Yes, force can affect a pendulum by changing its amplitude or frequency of oscillation. For example, increasing the force acting on a pendulum can cause it to swing with a larger amplitude. However, the force does not change the period of a pendulum, which is solely determined by its length.

What property of a pendulum does not affect its period?

The mass of the pendulum does not affect its period. The period of a pendulum is only affected by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity.