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The energy of particles in liquid copper is generally higher than the energy of molecules in liquid water because the metallic bonding in copper leads to stronger forces between the particles. These stronger forces result in higher energy required to break the bonds between the particles in copper compared to the weaker intermolecular forces in water.

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Q: How does the energy of the energy of the particles in a certain amount of liquid copper compare to the energy of the molecules in the same amount of liquid water why?
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How does the energy of the particles in a certain amount of liquid copper compare to the energy of the molecules in the same amount of liquid water?

The energy of particles in liquid copper is higher than that in liquid water due to the differences in their atomic structures. Copper, being a metal, has loosely bound electrons that contribute to higher energy levels compared to water molecules, which are composed of covalently bonded hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Therefore, the average kinetic energy of particles in liquid copper is greater than that in liquid water.

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The amount of space that gas particles can take up is the size of the container, but the amount between them also is determined by the amount of space the gas takes up.

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The amount of particles in a substance can be calculated using Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 particles per mole. This allows us to determine the number of atoms, molecules, ions, etc. present in a given amount of substance.

How do you use avagardos constant?

Avogadro's constant (6.022 x 10^23) is used to convert between the number of particles (atoms, molecules, ions) and the amount of substance (moles) in a sample. You can use Avogadro's constant to calculate the number of particles in a given amount of substance or to determine the amount of substance from the number of particles.

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In a small amount of a compound, there may be billions to trillions of molecules, depending on the molecular weight of the compound. This number is determined by Avogadro’s number, which is a fundamental constant used to relate the number of particles to the amount of substance.

Is the average amount of energy of motion in the particles of substance?

The average amount of energy of motion (also known as kinetic energy) in the particles of a substance (atoms and molecules) is measured by the temperature of that substance. More energy will produce a higher temperature.

How are liquids and gases different in the amount of space between particles?

Liquid molecules are very tightly packed while in gas it is loose.

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In the solid state, molecules move the slowest. The particles are tightly packed together and have the least amount of energy to move around.

What does a mole measure?

An instrument can not be used to measure moles because moles is the amount of grams of a substance divided by the molar mass of the substance. This can not be measured and has to be calculated.

Are there space between molecules in a mixture?

Yes, there are spaces between molecules in a mixture. These spaces allow the molecules to move freely and intermingle with other molecules, giving the mixture its properties. The amount of space between molecules depends on the specific components of the mixture and their interactions.

What is the average amount energy of motion in the particles of a substance called?

A measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance or object is simply it's Temperature! Hope that helps.

What causes pressure?

The weight of the air The distance between particles of a gas determines the pressure. The distance can be decreased and the pressure therefore increased by either increasing the amount of particles of gas in the container, or by reducing the size of the container.