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Pressure exerted by a solid object is calculated by dividing the force exerted by the object over the surface area on which it is applied. The formula is pressure = force / area. The pressure increases as the force increases or the surface area decreases.

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Q: How does pressure exerted by a solid object?
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How does pressure exerted by a solid object on a surface differ from pressure exerted within a liquid or a gas?

The pressure exerted by a solid object is in only one direction.

How does pressure exerted by a solid object on a surface differ from pressure exerted within a gas or liquid?

The pressure exerted by a solid object is in only one direction.

How does pressure exerted by a solid object on a surface differ from pressure exerted within a liquid or gas?

In a liquid or gas the pressure at any given point is the same in all directions. In a solid the pressure can vary depending on direction. So, for example, the vertical pressure can be greater or less than the horizontal pressure.

When the double force applied on the object then how does the pressure exerted on the object change?

When the double force applied on the object then the pressure exerted on the object will also be doubled.

What Air pressure exerted equally on an object from different directions is what type of pressure?

Air pressure exerted equally on an object from different directions is called hydrostatic pressure. This type of pressure is exerted by fluids, such as water or air, due to the weight of the fluid pressing down on an object.

Is The pressure exerted on an object by a fluid always parallel to the surface of the object?

No, the pressure exerted on an object by a fluid is always perpendicular to the surface of the object. This is due to Pascal's principle, which states that the pressure in a fluid is transmitted equally in all directions.

Air pressure exerted equally on an object from different directions is?

When air pressure acts equally on an object from all directions, it results in balanced forces that cancel each other out. This balanced pressure is what allows objects to maintain their shape and not be crushed by the surrounding air pressure.

Air pressure exerted equally on an object from different directions is what?

balanced pressure

What force is exerted on M if the pressure is PA?

The force exerted on object M due to pressure PA can be calculated using the formula Force = Pressure x Area. The force will depend on the surface area of object M that the pressure is acting on.

When the force applied an object is doubled how does the pressure exerted on the object changes?

If the force applied to an object is doubled, the pressure exerted on the object will also double. Pressure is directly proportional to force, so an increase in force will result in a proportional increase in pressure.

How will the pressure of an object change if its area is doubled?

If the area of an object is doubled while the force acting on it remains constant, the pressure exerted by the object will be halved. This is because pressure is force distributed over a given area, so increasing the area reduces the pressure exerted by the object.

What is pressure exerted to?

Pressure is the force applied per unit area. It is exerted in all directions on the surface of an object or substance, resulting in compression or deformation.