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By combining those four colors.The issue is a bit complicated; but a simplified explanation is that our eyes only see THREE basic colors; the printer uses a fourth color, namely black, because for some reason, mixing the other three colors doesn't result in a perfect black.

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1mo ago

Printers use the CMYK color model which combines cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks in varying amounts to create a wide range of colors through subtractive color mixing. By overlapping the transparent ink layers, different colors are produced due to the absorption and reflection of light, allowing for the recreation of various hues.

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Q: How does only four colors in printer produce a wide range of colors?
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On Ghost Radar Classic, the four colors mean signal strength. Red being the strongest, yellow being a little less strong than red, green being slightly less stronger than yellow, and blue being the weakest.

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The four fundamental forces from shortest range to longest range are: Strong nuclear force - operates within the nucleus of an atom, holding protons and neutrons together. Weak nuclear force - responsible for certain types of radioactive decay and has a range comparable to the diameter of an atomic nucleus. Electromagnetic force - acts between charged particles and has an infinite range in a vacuum. Gravitational force - the weakest force but acts over infinite distances, affecting all objects with mass.

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Force and motion can move something by pushing, pulling, lifting, or dragging it. These actions involve applying force to an object to produce motion in the desired direction.

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The four properties of a thermometer are accuracy (how close the measurement is to the true value), precision (repeatability of measurements), response time (how quickly it provides a reading), and range (the temperatures it can measure).

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If your four colours are the three primary colours (red, blue & yellow) and white the answer is easy.By mixing the primary colours (two at a time - equal amounts) you get all of the secondary colours. By varying the proportions of the primary colours you will get the tertiary colours.By mixing all three primary colours you will get various forms of browns. Adding white to any of these colours will get you various shades, depending on the amount of each.Ultimately you can produce a wide range of colours and shades.

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