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1st law:

Newton's first law of Inertia can be seen in many ways. The most common are:

1) The force of gravity pulling down on the player

2) The (equal and opposite) force of the ground pushing back on the player

3) Gravity pushing down on the soccer ball

4) The ground pushing back up on the soccer ball

After the ball is in the air, inertia is acting upon it too:

1) Ball being pulled back down toward Earth from gravity

2) Ball slowing down in the air from the Friction, or air resistance

2nd law:

As a player runs and dribble the ball he pushes and run with varying momentum (velocity) therefore, in a specific time frame. He experiences a rate of change of momentum. thus give rise to a resultant force. Evident if he runs and runs straight.

3rd law:

Newton's thrid law of motion is played out in soccer when the ball has been kicked. We do not really notice this, but the ball is actually pushing back on the foot after it has been kicked, but as we are much bigger than the soccer ball it will go flying. The force of the ball against our foot is equal and oppositeto the force of the player.

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14y ago
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11y ago

According to Newton's First Law of Motion (Law of Inertia), the soccer ball will stay in motion or stay still, unless acted on by an unbalanced force. In this case, the unbalanced forces would be your foot, gravity, or air resistance.

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14y ago

Newton's second, F=ma, applies to soccer mostly in the way the ball is propelled.

When you kick a soccer ball, you are applying a net force, F, to the ball which has a mass, m. This net force causes the ball to accelerate.

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14y ago

Almost every ordinary motion you see is governed by Newton's Three Laws.

For his first law, he stated that an object stays at rest until a net force acts on it. In soccer, the ball doesn't move until someone kicks it--think a goal kick or any other still kickoff.

Second, force is an object's mass times the acceleration. Kicking a soccer ball with a higher force will cause a higher acceleration.

Thirdly, every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Imagine you missing the ball and kicking the opponent's shin guard. He feels the force on his shins (good thing for shin guards!), but you also feel the shin's force back on your foot.

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14y ago

it applys by because when the player kicks the ball it moves because a force made it move. when an object is at rest it will remain at rest until a different force affects it.

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14y ago


The three laws apply to everything.

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13y ago

When you kick the ball it accelerates and gains speed, or velocity.

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10y ago

Yes. Everything applies to Newtons Third law

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Newton's third law states that when you hit a soccer ball, the soccer ball hits you back just as hard but in the opposite direction (this might hurt for a heavy ball).

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Well he fundamentally proposed a few theories. But he is eminently known for introducing the 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'. These principles include Newtons 3 laws of motion and his Gravitational Constant. If you want to know what they are, Google, Newtons 3 laws. He was quite smart!

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Suppose a book weighs 35 newtons and you apply a force of 50 newtons to lift what is the net force acting on the book?

85 newtons, up . =================== Nope. The force of gravity is 35 newtons, directed down. The force of your mighty out-stretched arm is 50 newtons, directed up. The net force on the book is 15 newtons directed up, so that's the direction in which the book accelerates. (At 15/35 = 3/7 of a 'G' .) Exactly the same analysis as you'd apply to a rocket launch.

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Look up newtons 3 laws.

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it is most commonly known in newtons 1st law. so hope this helps everyone... ; )