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Electrons are given energy because of the work done by the attractive or repulsive force, when they reach the place where they meet positive charges, they give off (release) their energy.

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4mo ago

Electricity gives off energy through the flow of electrons in a circuit. When electrons move through a conductor, they can transfer energy in the form of heat, light, or mechanical motion depending on the device or appliance being used. This flow of electrons generates energy that can be harnessed for various applications.

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Q: How does electricity give off energy?
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What types of energy does a stove give off?

A stove gives off thermal energy in the form of heat energy, which is used for cooking food. If the stove is powered by electricity, it also gives off electromagnetic energy in the form of light.

What two forms of energy that resistors can give off?

Heat energy as radiant heat Light energy if the resistor gets hot enough it will glow Sound energy, some resistors will hum at certain voltages Magnetic, electricity travelling through a wire will induce a magnetic field.

What is called electricity at rest?

Electricity at rest is called static electricity, which occurs when positive and negative charges build up on objects without flowing in a current. This can lead to phenomena like sparks, lightning, and the attraction of small objects through static cling.

How does it save energy to turn off lights?

Turning off lights saves energy by reducing the amount of electricity consumed. When a light is on, it continuously draws power from the electrical grid, using more energy the longer it is left on. By turning off lights when they are not needed, less electricity is used, leading to lower energy consumption and a decrease in utility costs.

How does turning off the lights help save energy?

Turning off lights when they are not needed helps save energy by reducing the amount of electricity being used. Less electricity consumption means lower greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller carbon footprint, which contributes to energy conservation and a more sustainable environment.

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How much electricity does a microwave give off?

A microwave does not give off electricity.

What types of energy does a stove give off?

A stove gives off thermal energy in the form of heat energy, which is used for cooking food. If the stove is powered by electricity, it also gives off electromagnetic energy in the form of light.

Why do incandescent light bulbs waste a lot of electricity?

Because they give off much of their energy as heat due to how the metal filament works

What energy does the infrared light give off?

Infrared light doesn't "give off" energy; in this case, it IS the energy.

What two forms of energy that resistors can give off?

Heat energy as radiant heat Light energy if the resistor gets hot enough it will glow Sound energy, some resistors will hum at certain voltages Magnetic, electricity travelling through a wire will induce a magnetic field.

What type of energy do you give off when you run a marathon?

you give off calary and diet energy

Do vampire squid give off electricity?


What is called electricity at rest?

Electricity at rest is called static electricity, which occurs when positive and negative charges build up on objects without flowing in a current. This can lead to phenomena like sparks, lightning, and the attraction of small objects through static cling.

Is Nuclear power the best source for clean electricity?

While there are no electricity sources that are one hundred percent clean for the environment, nuclear energy is close to the top of best energy sources. While nuclear energy will give a radioactive material, there are no dangerous air emissions, because nuclear energy gives off steam.

Can you give me an example of energy transformation?

Sunlight to electricity (solar panel)

What type of energy does a computer give off?

Computers give off mostly heat, but also give off magnetism in the form of radio waves. Plus their displays give off light energy and the speakers give off sound waves. The fans inside create kinetic energy.

What uses light energy to make electricity?

to give load from bulb to ballas