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Caching in name resolution stores previously resolved domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. This reduces the need to repeatedly query DNS servers, speeding up the name resolution process. When a domain name is requested, the resolver first checks its cache for the corresponding IP address before querying the DNS servers.

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Q: How does caching increase the efficiency of name resolution?
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What is the name of the amount of useful energy you get from a system?

The name of the amount of useful energy you get from a system is called "energy efficiency." It measures the ratio of useful energy output to total energy input.

Explain how much efficiency of an ideal machine compares with the efficiency of a real machine?

An ideal machine has 100% efficiency, meaning it converts all input energy into useful work. A real machine will always have lower efficiency due to factors like friction, heat loss, and internal resistance, resulting in some input energy being wasted as heat or sound. Typically, real machines have efficiencies ranging from around 30-90%.

Will a turbine run out?

A turbine will continue to run as long as it is supplied with energy to turn. However, like any mechanical equipment, regular maintenance and upkeep are necessary to maximize its lifespan and efficiency.

What is the name of the machine of the force that prevents machines from operating at 100 percent efficiency?

The machine is called a governor. It regulates the speed and performance of machines to prevent them from operating beyond their design limits, protecting them from damage and ensuring stability.

What is the name given to the effect of trapping energy in the atmosphere?

The name given to the effect of trapping energy in the atmosphere is the greenhouse effect. This occurs when certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap heat from the sun, leading to an increase in temperature on the planet.

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Background zone loading will reduce the time needed to start the DNS Server service the impact will probably only be noticeable for very large zones.

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background zone loading will reduce the time needed to start the DNS Server service the impact will probably only be noticeable for very large zones.

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