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Basic knowledge about atomic nuclei is used in various technologies such as nuclear power plants for electricity generation, medical imaging techniques like PET scans for diagnosing diseases, and in nuclear weapons for military purposes. Understanding atomic nuclei also enables the development of new materials with specific properties, such as radioactive isotopes used in industry and agriculture.

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Q: How does basic knowledge about atomic nuclei been used in technology?
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Is radioactive decay the same as organic decay?

No, they are different processes. Radioactive decay is the spontaneous breakdown of unstable atomic nuclei, releasing radiation. Organic decay is the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria and fungi, resulting in the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler compounds.

Quarks are thought to be the basic component of?

Quarks are thought to be the basic components of protons and neutrons, which are the building blocks of atomic nuclei. Quarks are elementary particles that combine to form protons and neutrons through the strong nuclear force.

Physics relation to technology?

Physics is fundamental to the development of technology by providing the underlying principles and understanding of how things work. For example, knowledge of electromagnetism is essential for the design of electrical devices such as generators and motors, while principles of optics are critical for the development of cameras and telescopes. Without a deep understanding of physics, technological advancements would not be possible.

The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons and particles with no electric charge called neutrons Who said this?

This statement is a basic fact in atomic physics and is commonly taught as part of the structure of an atom. It is not attributed to any specific individual as it is fundamental knowledge in the field.

What research would be considered basic science?

Basic science research focuses on expanding knowledge and understanding fundamental aspects of the natural world. This includes investigating underlying principles, mechanisms, and phenomena without necessarily aiming to develop immediate practical applications. Basic science research aims to answer fundamental questions and often serves as the foundation for applied research and technological advancements.

Related questions

How has basic knowledge about atomic nuclei been used in technology?

Basic knowledge about atomic nuclei has been used in technology for a variety of applications, such as in nuclear power generation, medical imaging through techniques like PET scans, and in scientific research through tools like particle accelerators and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Understanding nuclear reactions and properties of atomic nuclei has also led to the development of technologies like nuclear weapons and radiocarbon dating.

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All the answers are correct.

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I believe the answer is simple machines.

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Basic knowledge in technology and medical terms.

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Why is basic research important to technological development?

Basic research discovers new natural phenomena, not previously known before. As all technology is based on knowledge of natural phenomena, technology will eventually stagnate and halt its development without basic research.

What was the basic reason to call the resulting nuclei of any disintegrating nuclei as a Daughter nuclei either v can call it as a son son nuclei?


What is education and technology?

TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION has been conceptualized by the author to equip the students w/ the basic knowledge and skills, positive values and atittude toward work.

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Solving technological problems can produce new scientific knowledge.

What are the differences between Information Technology and Computing?

IT is using knowledge of computers to perform tasks such as word processing whereas computing is to do with programming languages such as basic, visual basic or C++