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An aluminum foil boat floats because it is more dense than water, therefore the surface tension of the water is able to hold the boat up.

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4mo ago

Aluminum foil boats float due to the principle of buoyancy. When the boat is placed in water, the upward force of buoyancy is greater than the weight of the boat, allowing it to stay afloat. The shape of the boat helps displace enough water to create this upward force.

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Q: How does aluminum foil boat float?
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Does aluminum sink or float in water and why?

Generally speaking, a denser substance will sink in a less dense substance. Assuming standard temperatures, since aluminum has a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter and water only has 1 gram per cc, aluminum would sink. A thin aluminum foil could float by virtue of the surface tension on water (but if submerged, will sink). An aluminum boat would float because it displaces a greater mass of water than its own weight. An aluminum block could also float on a liquid of higher density than the aluminum.

Why does an aluminum ball sink and a piece of foil float?

The aluminum ball sinks because it has a higher density compared to water, causing it to displace water and sink. The piece of aluminum foil floats because it is thin and has a lot of air trapped in its structure, making it less dense than water and enabling it to float.

What allows a aluminum boat to float with pennies in it?

An aluminum boat floats due to its hull displacing water, creating buoyant force greater than its weight. By adding pennies, the weight increases, but as long as the buoyant force generated by displacing water is greater than the total weight (boat + pennies), the boat will continue to float.

How can aluminum float on water?

Aluminum can float on water because it has a lower density than water. This means that the weight of the water displaced by the aluminum is greater than the weight of the aluminum itself, allowing it to float. The thin oxide layer that forms on the surface of aluminum also helps repel water, contributing to its ability to float.

How does a tin foil raft float?

A tin foil raft floats due to the principle of buoyancy. The air trapped within the foil pockets increases the overall volume of the raft, making it less dense than water. This causes the raft to displace an amount of water equal to its weight, allowing it to float on the surface.

Related questions

Why do boat made from aluminum foil float in xenon gas?

it floats because the xenon gas particles are heavier that the aluminum foil's.

Why does aluminum foil float?

The aluminum foil is less dense than the water which makesit float. Aluminum foil is not less dense than water. It is more dense. The reason that aluminum foil floats is that the surface tension of the water will hold the sheet of foil. If you still think that the aluminum foil is less dense than water, try floating a roll of foil in a bucket.

How can aluminum foil float in water?

Aluminum foil can float on water due to its low density, which allows it to displace a greater amount of water than its own weight. This creates buoyant force that keeps the foil afloat.

Is aluminum foil float on water?

Yes, aluminum foil is less dense than water so it will float on the surface of the water. This is due to the buoyant force acting on the foil, which counteracts its weight and allows it to stay afloat.

Can you make a piece of aluminum foil float in air?

No, aluminum foil is denser than air so it will not float on its own. It would require a strong updraft or force, such as being propelled by a fan or other means, to keep it suspended in the air.

Does aluminum sink or float in water and why?

Generally speaking, a denser substance will sink in a less dense substance. Assuming standard temperatures, since aluminum has a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter and water only has 1 gram per cc, aluminum would sink. A thin aluminum foil could float by virtue of the surface tension on water (but if submerged, will sink). An aluminum boat would float because it displaces a greater mass of water than its own weight. An aluminum block could also float on a liquid of higher density than the aluminum.

Why can aluminum float?

Generally speaking, a denser substance will sink in a less dense substance. Assuming standard temperatures, since aluminum has a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter and water only has 1 gram per cc, aluminum would sink. A thin aluminum foil could float by virtue of the surface tension on water (but if submerged, will sink). An aluminum boat would float because it displaces a greater mass of water than its own weight. An aluminum block could also float on a liquid of higher density.

Why does an aluminum ball sink and a piece of foil float?

The aluminum ball sinks because it has a higher density compared to water, causing it to displace water and sink. The piece of aluminum foil floats because it is thin and has a lot of air trapped in its structure, making it less dense than water and enabling it to float.

Is a aluminum foil a compound or elements?

Aluminum is element. Aluminum foil is made entirely of aluminum.

Is aluminum foil an element?

No, aluminum foil is not an element. Aluminum is an element, but aluminum foil is a product made from thin sheets of aluminum metal.

What is the best design for an aluminum foil boat to hold pennies?

A design with a wide base and tall walls is desirable for an aluminum foil boat. You want enough surface area supporting the pennies so they will keep floating and to not compromise that for wall height to keep water from enter your vessel.

What allows a aluminum boat to float with pennies in it?

An aluminum boat floats due to its hull displacing water, creating buoyant force greater than its weight. By adding pennies, the weight increases, but as long as the buoyant force generated by displacing water is greater than the total weight (boat + pennies), the boat will continue to float.