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Air resistance, also known as drag, acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion through the air. When a parachute is deployed, its large surface area creates a lot of drag, which helps slow down the descent of the jumper. The shape and design of the parachute also affect how much drag it generates.

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Q: How does air resistance work on parachutes?
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Related questions

Do bigger parachutes have more air resistance or drag force than smaller parachute?

Bigger parachutes have more air resistance and drag force than smaller parachutes. This is because the larger surface area of the bigger parachute creates more friction with the air, resulting in increased resistance and drag.

What do parachutes do that cause skydiver to slow down?

simple air resistance

How does gravity and air resistance affect parachutes?

Gravity pulls the parachute and skydiver downward. Air resistance, or drag, acts in the opposite direction, slowing down the descent of the parachute and skydiver. Parachutes are designed to balance these forces so that the descent is controlled and safe.

Why does smaller parachutes hit the ground before bigger parachutes?

Smaller parachutes have less surface area and generate less lift compared to larger parachutes. This results in a faster descent speed for smaller parachutes, causing them to hit the ground sooner than larger parachutes.

Do heavier materials make parachutes go slower?

It all depends on the air resistance...

What objects use air resistance?

Objects such as parachutes, kites, and airplanes experience air resistance. Air resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an object as it moves through the air, affecting its speed and trajectory.

Is parachite called air resistance?

No, air resistance is the force that acts against the motion of an object through the air. Parachutes use air resistance to slow down the fall of an object by increasing drag and reducing speed.

How does parachutes help to increase air resistance?

Parachutes increase air resistance by capturing a large amount of air in the parachute canopy. This creates drag, which slows down the fall of the object attached to the parachute, allowing for a safer descent. The drag force helps to counteract the force of gravity pulling the object downward.

How does air speed affects rate of decent of round canopy parachutes?

Increasing air speed will increase the rate of descent of round canopy parachutes due to a higher amount of air resistance acting against the parachute. This increased resistance creates more drag force on the parachute, causing it to fall faster.

Why do bigger parachutes take longer to fall to the ground?

Bigger parachutes have more surface area, which creates more air resistance. This air resistance slows down the descent of the parachute, causing it to take longer to reach the ground compared to a smaller parachute with less surface area.

Can you use parachutes in space?

No, parachutes require air to create drag and slow down descent. In outer space, there is no air to provide resistance, so parachutes would not be effective. Other methods, like retro rockets or aerobraking, are used for spacecraft to slow down.

What is one useful situation by air resistance?

Air resistance is useful in the design of parachutes as it helps slow down the descent of the parachute and the person attached to it. By creating drag as the parachute opens and fills with air, air resistance counteracts the force of gravity and allows for a safe and controlled descent.