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A nuclear powered rocket is a special type of very high temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor. Because it will probably be used in space, it will have to carry its own tank of coolant (probably in the form of liquid hydrogen). The coolant makes one pass through the reactor core, then exits through an expansion nozzle much like that on conventional rockets to produce thrust.

Several prototypes were built and tested in the 1950s and early 1960s, but no production models were made as research stopped when the Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed in 1963, which banned atmospheric nuclear tests.

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A nuclear-powered rocket generates thrust by heating a propellant like liquid hydrogen with a nuclear reactor. The heated propellant is then expelled through a nozzle to create thrust. This method allows for higher efficiency and faster speeds compared to chemical rockets.

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What is a rocket powered projectile called?

A rocket powered projectile is typically called a rocket or a missile. It is a self-propelled, guided projectile that uses rocket propulsion to fly.

What rocket flies faster a rubberband rocket or a air rocket?

An air rocket typically flies faster than a rubber band rocket. Air rockets are powered by compressed air released through a launch pad, providing more force and speed compared to a rubber band-powered rocket.

Is rocket a nuclear energy?

No, rockets do not typically use nuclear energy as a power source to launching into space. Rockets generally rely on chemical reactions, such as combustion of propellants, to generate the thrust needed for propulsion. Nuclear energy is primarily used for power generation on Earth, although there have been proposals and concepts for nuclear-powered spacecraft in the past.

How many Nuclear powered ships does the Navy have?

There are no nuclear powered planes, and the only nuclear powered ships and subs in the US are in the Navy so use naval ports. The UK Navy has nuclear subs and these use a base in Scotland. Russia has naval ships and subs, and also nuclear ice-breakers, but I do not have port information, though they probably use Murmansk and other Arctic ports.

What kind of energy a nuclear powered submarine transport transports it's crew from New Orleans to mobile?

A nuclear-powered submarine generates energy through nuclear fission to power its propulsion systems, allowing it to transport its crew from New Orleans to Mobile. The nuclear reactor on board the submarine heats water into steam, which drives turbines to move the submarine through the water at high speeds efficiently and silently.

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A rocket powered projectile is typically called a rocket or a missile. It is a self-propelled, guided projectile that uses rocket propulsion to fly.

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The first nuclear powered submarine was the USS Nautilus.

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Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars happened in 2008.

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Stars are powered by nuclear fusion

What if there's no water in water rocket launching?

it will become an air powered rocket

What was the fastest rocket-powered airplane in 1959?

The X-15 Rocket Plane.

What is the different between a rocket fired from a gun and a rocket propelled projectile?

The rocket powered projectile does not have to be in a gun.

Is the sun nuclear powered?

Yes, nuclear fusion