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Simple answer: By blowing air at the ground.

Long answer: Air moving in the right way can have immense force behind it. Hurricanes can flatten trees, tornadoes can pick up cows and jet aircraft can use a directed jet of air to propel itself.

The Rotor blades of a helicopters are like a massive, high powered fan that blows air downwards. Each rotor blade has an airfoil profile (similar shape to the cross section of an airplanes wing), so as the rotor blade turns it generates lift, just like an airplanes wing. The when the blades turn fast enough the lift forces will be greater than the forces of gravity. The pilot can control this by altering the angle of the blades. As the pilot increases the angle of the blades, more lift will be generated. In practice all helicopters do not have much variation in rotor speed during flight, and the rotor speeds are a lot slower than most people realise.

But there's a problem known as Torque Reaction. If you just have a single main rotor, then as the helicopters blades starts to get to a state where lift from the blades equal the forces of gravity, the helicopter will start to spin on the spot. (A visual thing to see this in action is watch the film Black Hawk Down, when the helicopter gets shot and loses its tail rotor).

To balance the forces induced by torque reaction, most helicopters have a tail rotor at the end of the tail boom. The tail rotor blades have a variable angle controlled by the pilot, like the main rotors. Adjusting the angle of blades will balance the forces of torque reaction. Altering this angle in a hover will allow the helicopter to turn on the spot.

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4mo ago

A helicopter rises into the air by generating lift from its rotating blades. The main rotor blades create lift by spinning quickly and creating a pressure difference between the top and bottom of the blade. This lift force allows the helicopter to ascend vertically.

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How does air resistance affect a falling helicopter?

Air resistance, also known as drag, slows down the falling helicopter by pushing against it in the opposite direction of its motion. The larger the surface area or faster the helicopter falls, the greater the impact of air resistance in counteracting gravity. Ultimately, air resistance plays a significant role in determining the speed and trajectory of a falling helicopter.

In terms of impulse and momentum why is it important that helicopter blades deflect air downward?

Helicopter blades deflect air downward to generate lift force that allows the helicopter to stay airborne. This process creates an upward momentum for the helicopter, balancing the downward momentum of the air being pushed downward by the blades. By applying Newton's third law of motion, the helicopter gains the necessary impulse to maintain flight stability.

How is a helicopter controlled?

A helicopter is controlled by the pilot using a combination of controls. These controls include cyclic for directional control, collective for altitude control, and pedals for yaw control. By manipulating these controls, the pilot can change the helicopter's position and orientation in the air.

What gas makes a balloon rise into the air?

Helium. It is lighter than air and provides buoyancy, causing the balloon to rise.

Does heat rise or hot air rise?

Hot air rises. As air is heated, it becomes less dense and therefore more buoyant, causing it to rise. This is due to a difference in temperature creating a temperature gradient, leading to the movement of air.

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How does an air ambulance helicopter differ from an ordinary helicopter?

An air ambulance helicopter is generally the same as an ordinary helicopter except for the fact that it is equipped to save lives just as a regular ambulance is equipped. Air ambulance helicopters must have the medical supplies necessary to save lives.

How does a helicopter use newtons third law?

The helicopter blades push air down. By Newton's third law, the air pushes the helicopter upward.

How can you get money for helicopter flight training?

Join the army or air force as a helicopter pilot.

What is the name of Obama's helicopter?

Marine One for helicopter and Air Force One for aero

Why cant a helicopter work on the moon?

A helicopter requires air to generate lift from its rotors. Since the moon has no atmosphere, there is no air for the helicopter to push against and create lift. This makes it impossible for a traditional helicopter to work on the moon.

What afectes does weight have on a helicopter?

It has a very extreme effect, if it is too heavy, it will not rise.

How fast would a helicopter blade need to be to catch the air on fire?

Since air is not inherently flammable, there is no speed at which a helicopter blade would catch the air on fire.

Can you get a air plan in GTA 4?

no but you can get a helicopter

What do hot air balloonists travel in?

a helicopter

Is the shunnok a army helicopter?

Chinook is a helicopter used by many armies and air forces around the world.

Which is the Best Helicopter Provider Company in India?

Air Chardham is the Best Helicopter Provider Company in India