

How does COSPEC work?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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13y ago

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COSPEC, or Correlation Spectrometer, measures the concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in volcanic plumes by analyzing the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. It works by comparing the UV light absorbed by the volcanic gas plume with a known reference spectrum, allowing for the quantification of SO2 concentration in real-time. COSPEC is a valuable tool for volcano monitoring and early warning systems.

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What does COSPEC stand for?

COSPEC stands for Correlation Spectrometer.

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Correlation Spectrometers (COSPEC) can be used for measuring sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission rates, and the remote sensing of SO2 gas in the air.

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You can directly sample gas and analyze it using various chemical tests. You can use an instrument called a correlation spectrometer or COSPEC to measure the gas emissions from a distance. These measurements are usually done from an airplane.

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