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The energy is usually calculated by weighing it and then setting it alight and using it to heat a specific measured quantity of water. The rise in temperature of the water divided by the original weight of the crisp can be used to find the engery the crisp has released.

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3mo ago

Energy content in crisps can be calculated by determining the calories from fat, carbohydrates, and protein listed on the nutrition label. The total energy amount is the sum of calories from these nutrients, as each contributes a specific amount of energy per gram.

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Q: How do you work out the energy amount in a crisp?
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What is the amount of energy used and the amount of work that has been accomplished is?

Energy is the capacity to do work, so the amount of energy used is directly related to the amount of work accomplished. The relationship between energy and work is given by the formula: work = force x distance. Therefore, the amount of energy used corresponds to the work done in performing a task.

How is energy and work related?

Energy is the ability to do work, and work is the transfer of energy. When work is done on an object, energy is transferred to that object, causing it to move or change. The amount of work done is directly related to the amount of energy transferred.

What is the amount of available energy that can be used to promote change do work is called?

The amount of available energy that can be used to promote change and do work is called free energy. This is the energy that is available to do useful work in a system.

The amount of work done by a heat engine equals the amount of thermal energy?

The amount of work done by a heat engine is not equal to the amount of thermal energy it absorbs. In a heat engine, only a fraction of the thermal energy absorbed is converted into work, with the remaining energy typically being expelled as waste heat. The efficiency of a heat engine is a measure of how effectively it converts thermal energy into work.

How does a joule work?

A joule is a unit of energy. It measures the amount of work done when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one meter. In simple terms, it quantifies the amount of energy transferred or used in various physical processes.

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What is the amount of energy used and the amount of work that has been accomplished is?

Energy is the capacity to do work, so the amount of energy used is directly related to the amount of work accomplished. The relationship between energy and work is given by the formula: work = force x distance. Therefore, the amount of energy used corresponds to the work done in performing a task.

How is energy and work related?

Energy is the ability to do work, and work is the transfer of energy. When work is done on an object, energy is transferred to that object, causing it to move or change. The amount of work done is directly related to the amount of energy transferred.

What is the amount of available energy that can be used to promote change do work is called?

The amount of available energy that can be used to promote change and do work is called free energy. This is the energy that is available to do useful work in a system.

The amount of energy available to do work after a chemical reaction has occurred is called?

The amount of energy available to do work after a chemical reaction has occurred is called free energy or Gibbs free energy. It represents the maximum amount of useful work that can be obtained from a system at constant temperature and pressure.

Why arn't work and energy the same?

Work and energy use the same units; but the term "work" is used in the sense of "transfer of energy" (amount of energy transferred).

The amount of work done by a heat engine equals the amount of thermal energy?

The amount of work done by a heat engine is not equal to the amount of thermal energy it absorbs. In a heat engine, only a fraction of the thermal energy absorbed is converted into work, with the remaining energy typically being expelled as waste heat. The efficiency of a heat engine is a measure of how effectively it converts thermal energy into work.

Why does work have the same unit as energy?

because work is a transformation of energy. If there is some loss of energy in a process then same amount of work will be created. For this reason the unit of work and energy is same.

The amount of work you get from an engine divided by the energy you put into it?


Does work reflect energy?

Yes, the amount of work a "machine" (in the physics sense) can get done is an indicator of how much energy the body possess.

How does a joule work?

A joule is a unit of energy. It measures the amount of work done when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one meter. In simple terms, it quantifies the amount of energy transferred or used in various physical processes.

What comparison of work the machine does with energy it uses to do the work?

The work done by a machine is directly related to the amount of energy it uses. Machines convert the input energy into work output, with the efficiency of this conversion determined by factors such as friction, heat losses, and mechanical losses within the machine. The more efficient the machine, the more work can be accomplished with the same amount of energy.

How does doing work on an object change its energy?

When work is done on an object, energy is transferred to or from the object, changing its energy. If work is done on an object, its energy increases; if work is done by an object, its energy decreases. The change in energy of an object is equal to the work done on it.