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Colour is decided by the frequency of the electromagnetic wave ie light. There are cones and rods in our retina. The cones are sensitive to the frequency of the electromagnetic radiations falling on it. So colour is sensed by us. If there be any problem with those cones then colours cannot be differentiated. Such persons are called as colour blind people. Any way there is a limitation of sensing the frequencies. So right from red (lower freq) to violet (higher) are visible to our vision. Beyond these limits we cannot see.

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4mo ago

Light colors are perceived by the human eye through specialized cells called cones in the retina. These cones are sensitive to red, green, and blue light, and the brain processes the signals from these cones to create the perception of different colors. The combination of these signals allows us to see a full spectrum of colors.

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Q: How do you see the lights colors?
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Do the colors in the northern lights show what time of year it is?

Not particularly... the aurorae borealis is always there in all colors, only it's usually too faint to see.

Why cant you be a jet pilot if your color blind?

no, because if you are color blind you might see the papi lights as different colors. (the papi lights are the lights at the end of the runway) you would also see the false horizon as the same colour therefore not accurately being able to see if you are level.

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The lights of red and blue reflect off of the object into your retina and the rods and cones depict what colors your see.

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The colors you see in neon lights and fireworks are caused by the emission of light from excited gas molecules or atoms. Each gas emits light at specific wavelengths, resulting in different colors. In fireworks, metal salts are added to produce various colors when they are heated.

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you can use light splitters to see all the colors from white light. they're like those red and blue 3-d glasses.

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just shoot a watermelon

Where can I purchase solar lights for my deck?

There are many places to buy solar lights in a variety of colors. You can purchase a set of 12 solar lights that change colors from for approximately $70.00.

Why colored lights are called additive colors?

Colored lights are called additive colors because when different colored lights are combined, they add up to create new colors through the process of light mixing. This is in contrast to subtractive colors, where different pigments absorb certain wavelengths of light, resulting in different colors when combined.

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Which primary colors are used for mixing new colors using lights?

The primary colors used for mixing new colors using lights are red, green, and blue. Mixing these primary colors in different combinations can produce a wide range of colors in the visible light spectrum.

Who sees colors first boy or girl?

If a boy and a girl both stood in a dark room, and then the lights were suddenly turned on, both would see colors at the same time (assuming both of their eyes are healthy).

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