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To reduce sound from a particular source, you can try using soundproofing materials like acoustic panels or foam, creating distance between the source and you, closing doors or windows, using rugs or carpets to absorb sound, and using noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs.

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Q: How do you reduce the sound from a particular source?
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Why does the frequency of sound waves change for a listener when the sound source moves towards or away from the listener?

This is an example of the Doppler effect. Sound is composed of waves. A particular vibration produces a sound wave with a particular wavelength. When the sound source moves towards a listener the waves are "bunched up". That results in a shorter observed wavelength and thus a higher frequency. When the sound source moves away the opposite happens. The frequency of the sound waves decreases.

Why does the frequency of sound waves change for a listener when the sound source move toward or away from the listener?

This is an example of the Doppler effect. Sound is composed of waves. A particular vibration produces a sound wave with a particular wavelength. When the sound source moves towards a listener the waves are "bunched up". That results in a shorter observed wavelength and thus a higher frequency. When the sound source moves away the opposite happens. The frequency of the sound waves decreases.

By how many times must the distance from a point source be increased to reduce the sound intensity by half?

The distance must be doubled to reduce the sound intensity by half. This follows the inverse square law, which states that sound intensity decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the source.

Is a siren a sound source or a sound reciver?

A siren makes a sound and that's why it must be a sound source.

How does a trumpet reduce its sound?

to reduce your sound on a trumpet, use a mute or play with less air

What are some remedies for sound pollution?

One can either reduce the number of sound producing items. Sound dampening technology can be used to reduce sound such as sound baffling or dampers.

What is the source of energy for a sound wave?

The source of energy for sound waves are vibrations.

What is a source of energy for a sound wave?

The source of energy for sound waves are vibrations.

Do destructive interferences reduce the pitch of a sound?

Destructive interferences reduce the pitch of a sound, or silence it all together.

What is a stationary sound source?

A stationary sound source is one that remains fixed in one position while emitting sound waves. This means that the source does not move during the production of sound.

Why do sounds get quieter the further away you are from the source?

Louder or fainter means more intense or less intense of sound vibrations respectively.Intensity in turn is the energy per unit area.Imagine the source of sound to be at the centre of a sphere. When you are far away then the radius of the sphere would be larger and thus the surface area of the sphere also becomes larger.As the energy given out by the source of sound is divided by larger area to get the intensity its value becomes lesser. Hence fainter.Ear drums and microphone diaphragms are moved by sound pressure.Note: Sound power (sound intensity) is the cause - and the sound pressure is the effect. The effect is of particular interest to the sound engineer.Another Perspective:The intensity (loudness) of sound decreases with the square of the distance from the source.

What distance increase is needed to reduce a sound's intensity from an initial 100dB to a final 80dB?

Sound intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distancefrom the source.-- Increase the distance from the source by 10 times.-- Sound intensity decreases to 1/102 = 1/100 .-- 10 log ( 1/100 ) = -20 dB-- 100 dB - 20 dB = 80 dB