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pt it on the railroad tracks and wait for a train

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1mo ago

One way to move a car without gravity or electricity is to push or pull it manually. Another option is to use a mechanical device like a car jack or a lever system to lift and move the car. In some cases, a tow truck or other external force can also be used to move the vehicle.

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To cause something to go somewhere?

You can prompt an object to move by applying force or energy to it in a desired direction. This action can involve physically pushing or pulling the object, or using external factors like gravity or electricity to propel it to a specific location.

How does solar energy make an object move?

Solar energy can be harnessed to produce electricity that can power motors or engines, which in turn can make an object move. This can be achieved by using solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity, which can then be used to run the equipment needed to move an object.

How can you move a drinks can with a balloon?

You can move a drinks can with a balloon by creating static electricity on the balloon and then using that static charge to attract the can. Rub the balloon against your hair or a piece of fabric to generate static electricity, then hold the balloon near the can to make it move. The can will be attracted to the charged balloon due to static electricity.

What would your life be without gravity?

Without gravity, life as we know it would be drastically different. Objects would float around randomly, making it difficult to move or interact with our environment. Our bodies and biological processes have evolved to function in a gravitational environment, so without it, we would likely struggle to survive.

What happens when you go against gravity?

When you go against gravity, such as jumping up in the air or climbing stairs, you are using muscular force to overcome the force of gravity pulling you down. Your muscles work to counteract gravity and help you move in the opposite direction.

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How do you make a car move without electricity?


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water current. or wind, but like most glaciers, mainly gravity. Without gravity, they wouldn't move.

How could something move without gravity or force?

If its already moving.

Is it true without gravity glaciers would not move downslope and streams would not flow?

Yes, gravity plays a crucial role in causing glaciers to move downslope and in determining the flow of streams. Without gravity, these processes would not occur as they rely on the force of gravity to pull them downhill.

Does gravity pull on objects that are in orbit around earth?

Yes. It is gravity that keeps those objects in orbit. Without gravity they would simply move in a straight line.

Does the sun hold the planets in orbit with its gravity?

Yes. Without the sun's gravity the planets would move out into interstellar space in straight lines.

What is it called when substances move past the membrane without using energy?

Passive transport is when substances move past the membrane without using any energy.

How do you make an object fly in game maker 7?

Have it move without gravity keeping it on the ground.

How do you move a vehicle without using a motor?

...You push it.

What is it called when substances move past the membrane without using any energy?

Passive transport is when substances move past the membrane without using any energy.

What are exanples of an objects at rest?

An object at rest is one that is not going to move without some pressure to move its position or possibly the pull of gravity,