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In a longitudinal wave, amplitude is measured as the maximum displacement of particles from their equilibrium position as the wave passes through a medium. This can be measured using a ruler or sensor to determine the distance of displacement from the resting position of particles.

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Q: How do you measure amp in a longitudinal wave?
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Is a sound wave a transverse wave or longitudinal wave?

Sound waves are longitudinal.

What measures the amount of displacement in a longitudinal wave?

the amplitude. It is the displacement at a peak.

What is another name for a longitudinal a longitudinal wave?

A compression wave is another name for a longitudinal wave.

How do you measure a longitudinal wave?

Longitudinal waves can be measured by their frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. Frequency corresponds to the number of vibrations in a given time period, wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of the wave, and amplitude is the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. These measurements can help quantify characteristics of the longitudinal wave.

How do you measure amplitude in a longitudinal wave?

In a longitudinal wave, amplitude is measured as the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. It represents the maximum distance the particle moves back and forth as the wave passes through it. It is usually measured from the equilibrium position to the peak of the wave.

How do you measure the wavelength of a longitudinal wave?

The wavelength of a longitudinal wave can be measured by determining the distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions of the wave. This distance corresponds to one full cycle of the wave. The wavelength can also be calculated by dividing the wave speed by the frequency of the wave.

What is the distance from the compression to the next compression in longitudinal wave called?

The distance from one compression to the next compression in a longitudinal wave is called the wavelength. This distance is often used to measure the size of the wave and determine its frequency.

What type of wave does sound travel in?

Longitudinal Wave

Is longitudinal a sound wave?

A sound wave is indeed a longitudinal wave as opposed to a transverse wave

What is an example os a longditudinal wave?

A sound wave is an example of a longitudinal wave. A device used to measure the length and pitch of the sound wave is call a oscilloscope.

Is ultrasound a transverse or longitudinal wave?

Sound, at least in gases like air, can only propagate as a longitudinal wave.

How do you measure the compression of a longitudinal wave?

The compression of a longitudinal wave is measured by the measure of how close the particles in the medium are to each other when the wave is at its peak compression point. This can be quantified by measuring the density or pressure of the medium at that point.