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To make sounds louder, you can increase the volume or amplitude of the sound waves. To make sounds softer, you can decrease the volume or amplitude of the sound waves. This can be done using a volume control or adjusting the distance between the sound source and the listener.

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Q: How do you make sounds louder or softer?
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How will the harp make sounds of a different volume?

The volume of the harp varies by the player's touch. The harder the pluck the louder the sound. The softer the pluck the softer the sound.

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What is volume for?

Volume is to make sound get louder or softer.

What is volume used for?

Volume is to make sound get louder or softer.

Why do employment officials require that workers exposed to sounds louder than 85 dB be provided with protective ear plugs?

Because sounds louder than that (and actually somewhat softer) cause permanent hearing loss.

What is an example of volume in sound?

An example of volume in sound is when you adjust the volume control on a stereo to make the music louder or softer. Increasing the volume level will result in louder sound, while decreasing it will make the sound softer.

What is the name when music gets louder or softer?

There is no single name for louder OR softer, they are 2 different musical terms.

How does the euphonium make louder or softer sound?

air speed. but mostly air control.

Does cresendo mean getting gradually louder or softer?

Crescendo means getting louder.

What property of the sound wave determines the volume of sound?

The amplitude of the sound wave determines the volume of sound. Greater amplitude produces louder sounds, while lower amplitude results in softer sounds.

How do you turn down the volume in nogba?

no can really make the volume softer. the best way is to make your computer's sounds more softer

Is a cello louder or softer than a tuba?
