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Just standing up is usually enough. Usualy some of his semen slide out of your vagina along the inside of your leg. In case you don't know what this stuff looks like.s is generally a sticky milky material.

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The most definitive way to know if a guy ejaculated inside you is when you physically feel the sensation of semen being released. If you are unsure, you should have an open and honest conversation with your partner about their ejaculation during intercourse. It's also important to use protection to prevent any unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections.

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How can you tell if a guy has came in you?

The only way to know for sure if ejaculation occurred inside the vagina is by witnessing it or confirming with the person. It's important to have open communication with sexual partners to discuss and ensure both parties are on the same page regarding contraception and sexual health.

How do you know when a guy cums inside you?

You may feel a warm sensation or a pulsating feeling inside your vagina. Additionally, some men make sounds or have physical reactions when they ejaculate. It's also possible to see semen leaking out of the vagina after sex.

How do you know when a guy is ejaculating?

One way to know when a guy is ejaculating is by observing physical signs such as muscle contractions, heavy breathing, and an increase in heart rate. Additionally, there may be a release of semen from the tip of the penis during ejaculation.

When you say to a guy i want to feel you inside me what does he think?

This statement typically conveys a desire for intimacy and physical connection, making the guy feel desired and wanted. It can also indicate a desire for sexual intimacy. However, it's important to communicate openly and consentually in any intimate context.

How does it feel like when a guy cums inside a girl?

The physical sensation of a man ejaculating inside a woman can vary, but it is often described as a feeling of warmth, throbbing, and pulsing. Emotionally, it can be intimate and bonding for both partners given the vulnerability and trust involved in such an act.

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It is possible to get pregnant if a guy ejaculates inside you, regardless of where you are in your menstrual cycle. Sperm can survive inside the female body for up to 5 days, so there is a risk of pregnancy even if it is a week before your period. It's important to use protection if you're not trying to conceive.

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