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if the objects distance travelled and time is given then speed=distance/time

eg- distance travelled 50 mtrs time taken 5 seconds speed 50/5 =10m/s

velocity=u(initial velocity 0 for free falling objects) + at(acceleration x time)

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1mo ago

Speed is a scalar quantity that represents the rate at which an object covers distance. It is calculated as the distance traveled divided by the time taken. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that describes both the speed and direction of motion. It is calculated as the displacement divided by the time taken.

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Q: How do you know an objects speed and velocity?
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What is the difference of an objects speed and an objects volocity?

when you know both speed and direction of an objects motion you know the velocity of an object.

When you know the both speed and direction of an objects motion you know the?


When you know both the speed and direction of an objects of an objects motion you know the?

I'm pretty sure its the acceleration. If its not that, its the Velocity.

What is the difference an objects speed and an objects velocity?

Speed only tells how fast something is going, while velocity tells speed and direction.

What do you need know to find an objects velocity?

The distance it travels in a caertain amount of time as well as the direction

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Velocity is speed and direction

Consists of an objects speed and direction?

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What do you need in order to know an objects velocity?

To know an object's velocity, you need both its speed (magnitude of the velocity) and direction. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and direction of motion. It is typically represented as a magnitude and a direction, such as 50 m/s east.

What do you call it when an objects velocity changes?

A change in an objects velocity is called acceleration. Velocity is defined as an objects speed of travel AND its direction of travel. Acceleration can change only an objects speed, only its direction or both. If there is no acceleration acting on the object, then the velocity remains constant.

What includes the speed of the objects and the direction of its motion?

Speed and direction is called velocity.