SSSM ID, or the Statewide Student Identifier, is typically generated by educational institutions or state education departments. It is a unique number assigned to students to track their academic progress and records throughout their educational journey within a specific state. Students are usually provided with their SSSM ID by their school or educational authorities.
Hydropower does not use heat to generate electricity. Instead, it harnesses the energy from moving water, such as rivers or waterfalls, to generate power through turbines.
The amount of force a person can generate varies depending on factors like strength, size, and technique. The average person can generate between 200-400 pounds of force with a punch, but this can vary significantly. Professional athletes and trained fighters can generate much higher levels of force.
Water wheels are not as commonly used to generate electricity as they were in the past due to limitations in efficiency and scalability. Modern hydropower technology, such as turbines, is more efficient and can generate larger amounts of electricity. Additionally, water wheels are limited in their ability to generate power in variable flow conditions.
On average, a trained athlete can generate around 1.2 horsepower for a short duration, such as in a sprint. However, sustained power output is much lower, typically around 0.1 horsepower for an average person.
An ID typically weighs less than an ounce, usually around 0.1 to 0.2 ounces. The weight may vary slightly depending on the type of material the ID is made from.
Hardware hash, Product ID
A referral ID is a code that records the referral you generate so you can set compensated for it. It is you member's ID for the community or program. Some referral ID are generated by your user name selected at sign up or by a number. You referral ID should be emberded in your referral URL and all your banners and referral tools.
we are requested to you sir issue of my visiting cards & generate my cnh mail id.
Depends where is the data. If you use a DB server, you can simply use the DB server's function (such as RAND()). A simple MySQL query would be: SELECT id, question FROM questions ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1,0; You can also generate a random number using rand() and use: SELECT id, question FROM questions WHERE id = '<random_numer_comes_here>' LIMIT 1,0; But you'll have to ensure that that the id number exists (you can use a loop until you find one or reach max tries). Hope that helps.
we are requested to you sir issue of my visiting cards & generate my cnh mail id.
A referral ID is a code that records the referral you generate so you can set compensated for it. It is you member's ID for the community or program. Some referral ID are generated by your user name selected at sign up or by a number. You referral ID should be emberded in your referral URL and all your banners and referral tools.
ID Identification or ID Identification or ID Identification or ID Identification or ID IDentification or ID Indonesia or ID Identifier or ID IDentifier or ID Idaho or ID Idem or ID Intrusion Detection or ID Independence Day or ID Intelligent Design or ID Infectious Disease or ID Industrial Design or ID Information Database or ID Industrial Distribution or ID Instructional Design or ID Interaction Design or It just depends on what ID your talking about...
The phrase varies from game to game. There is a generator on this site ( and that will generate your Trainer Card ID # into your saying.
We will generate more energy this year.Britain seeks to generate 100% of their energy from renewable sources.I hope this will generate interest in the book.
Generar = to generate.
The prefix of "generate" is "gen-".