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2 in parallel (= 10 ohms) and the third in series.

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3mo ago

You can achieve a 30 ohm equivalent resistance by connecting the resistors in a combination of series and parallel. Connect two resistors in series to get 40 ohms, then connect the third resistor in parallel with this combination to achieve a total resistance of 30 ohms.

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Q: How do you draw this you have three 20 ohm resistors available. how would you connect these three resistors to produce a 30 ohm equivalent you must use all three resistors?
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What you will do to raise the temperature difference without changing the current?

To raise the temperature difference without changing the current, you can increase the resistance in the circuit. This can be done by adding additional resistors in series, using a material with higher resistance, or by adjusting the configuration of the circuit to increase the overall resistance. By increasing the resistance, the same current will produce a greater voltage drop across the resistors, resulting in a higher temperature difference.

When are two forces said to be equivalent?

Two forces are said to be equivalent when they produce the same effect on an object, such as acceleration or deformation. This means that the forces have the same magnitude, direction, and line of action.

What is a whole pound?

A whole pound is equivalent to 16 ounces in weight. This is a common unit of measurement for items such as produce, meat, and other goods.

What body structures generate force?

Muscles are the primary body structures responsible for generating force. They contract and relax to produce movement and generate the force needed for physical activities. Other structures that contribute to force generation include tendons, which connect muscles to bones, and ligaments, which connect bones to other bones.

How do resistors produce heat in an electric circuit?

Resistors produce heat in an electric circuit due to the energy loss that occurs when current flows through them. This energy loss is a result of resistance in the material of the resistor itself, which converts some of the electrical energy into heat energy. The amount of heat produced is determined by the resistance of the resistor and the current flowing through it, following the relationship P = I^2 * R, where P is the power dissipated as heat, I is the current, and R is the resistance of the resistor.

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How can you connect resistors to produce an equivalent resistance which is the same as the resistance of each individual resistor?

You can connect 4 resistors in series-parallel, i.e. two in series, both in parallel with another two, and the effective resistance would be the same as one resistor. Similarly, you can connect nine resistors in 3x3 series-parallel, or 16 resistors in 4x4 series-parallel, etc. to get the same resistance of one resistor.

What are resistors that produce a straight line graph called?

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Given 4 resistors each have equivalent resistance of 100 ohms show how these resistors might be combined to produce an equivalent resistance of a 40 ohms b 250 ohms c 100 ohms?

a) Put 2 of the resistors in series to make a 200 ohm resistor. Then put the 100, 100, and 200 ohm resistors in parallel for 40 ohms. b) Put 2 resistors in parallel for 50 ohms. Put the 50, 100, and 100 ohm resistors in series for 250 ohms. c) Put 2 resistors in parallel for 50 ohms. Repeat with other 2 resistors. Put the two 50 ohm resistors in series for 100 ohms. This configuration can withstand 4 times the wattage of each individual resistor.

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To help produce voltage.

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