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Loudness refers to the intensity or volume of a sound, while pitch refers to the frequency of the sound waves. A loud sound has higher amplitude and is perceived as stronger, whereas pitch is determined by the frequency of sound waves and how high or low they are. In summary, loudness is about the strength of a sound, while pitch is about its frequency.

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Q: How do you compare loudness and pitch o a sound?
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What factor determines the pitch o a sound?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch.

What is the apparent change in the freqency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener o the source of sound?

The apparent change in frequency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener or the source of sound is known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the listener, the frequency appears higher (higher pitch), and if the source is moving away, the frequency appears lower (lower pitch).

What is the relationship between frequency amplitude and pitch?

Wavelength = (speed of sound) divided by (frequency) Frequency = (speed of sound) divided by (wavelength) Amplitude is not related to frequency or wavelength. A change of amplitude does not cause ... and does not result from ... a change of frequency or wavelength

What sound is produced when the shock wave formed at the nose of an artifact traveling at supersonic speeds reaches the ground?

A sonic boom is the sound produced when the shock wave formed at the nose of an artifact traveling at supersonic speeds reaches the ground. It is a loud, explosive sound caused by the sudden change in air pressure as the object moves faster than the speed of sound.

Does piano have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "piano" has a long vowel sound, where the "i" is pronounced as a "long e" sound like in "pee-ah-no."

Related questions

What factor determines the pitch o a sound?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch.

How do you change the note pitch on double bass?

you go closer to the bridge or farther in order to sound different octaves. ( o Y o )

Does cold have a long or short o?

The O has a long O (oh) sound, as in bold and gold.

Does go have a short o or long o sound?

It has a long O (oh) sound, as in no and so.

Is spot a short o sound?

No, the word "spot" has a long 'o' sound.

Does from have a short o sound?

No, the word "from" does not have a short "o" sound. The "o" in "from" is pronounced as the diphthong /ɒʊ/.

Is hog a sound o sound?

The vowel sound in "hog" is a short "o" sound.

Does robot have a long or short vowel?

The first O has a long O sound and the second O has a short O sound.

Does note have a short a sound?

No, "note" does not have a short "a" sound. It has a long "o" sound.

Does comb have a short o sound?

No, the word "comb" does not have a short "o" sound. In "comb," the "o" is pronounced with a short "ah" sound, as in "father."

What is the apparent change in the freqency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener o the source of sound?

The apparent change in frequency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener or the source of sound is known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the listener, the frequency appears higher (higher pitch), and if the source is moving away, the frequency appears lower (lower pitch).

Does robot have a long or short vowel sound?

In the word "robot," the vowel "o" makes a short vowel sound.