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The wavelengths of the transmitted waves can be the same, shorter, or longer than the wavelength of the incident wave, depending on the medium through which the wave is transmitted. When a wave enters a medium with a different speed, the wavelength may change to accommodate the new speed while conserving frequency.

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Q: How do the wavelengths of the transmitted waves compare to the wavelengths of the incident wave?
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How do wavelengths of the reflected and transmitted waves compare to the wavelength of the incident wave?

The wavelengths of the reflected and transmitted waves are the same as the wavelength of the incident wave if the waves are traveling in the same medium experiencing the same speed. This is based on the principle of the conservation of wavelength.

How do the widths of the reflected and transmitted waves compare to the width of the incident wave?

The width of the reflected and transmitted waves is the same as the width of the incident wave. The frequency of the wave (measured in hertz) remains constant as it travels from one medium to another.

What is the behavior of waves when they strike a surface?

When waves strike a surface, they can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed. The type of behavior depends on the properties of the surface and the characteristics of the waves.

How does the wavelength of waves used in microwave ovens compare with the wavelengths of waves used for radar?

Roughly within an order of magnitude or so, either way.

What kinds of waves have the longest wavelengths?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths.

What kind of waves the longest wavelengths?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths.

When the amplitudes of the transmitted and reflected waves are?

When the amplitudes of the transmitted and reflected waves are equal, it means that half of the incident wave energy is being transmitted and half is being reflected at the interface between the two media. This occurs at the Brewster angle when the reflected wave is completely polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

Why are radio signals not transmitted directly by electromagnetic waves?

The question's meaning is mysterious. Radio signals AREelectromagnetic waves,specifically those in the band of frequencies/wavelengths known as "radio waves".That's exactly what is physically transmitted. Between the transmitting antennaand the receiving antenna, the energy of the radio signal, and the informationencoded in it, travels in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths are?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths among electromagnetic waves. They can range from a few millimeters to several hundred meters.

What electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelengths?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths among electromagnetic waves.

What is reflected wavelengths?

Reflected wavelengths refer to the light waves that bounce off a surface instead of being absorbed or transmitted through it. The color we perceive is a result of the wavelengths of light that are reflected back to our eyes. Different surfaces reflect light in different ways, influencing the colors we see.

What bends more light waves with short wavelengths or light waves with long wavelenths?

Light waves with shorter wavelengths bend more compared to light waves with longer wavelengths when passing through a medium due to the phenomenon of dispersion. This is why we see rainbows, where shorter wavelengths (violet/blue) are bent more than longer wavelengths (red) when passing through water droplets.