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Machines can change the amount of force needed to move an object by utilizing mechanisms such as levers, pulleys, ramps, and gears. These mechanisms can amplify or reduce the input force applied to the machine, allowing the object to be moved more easily or with greater force than would be possible by direct human effort.

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Q: How do machines change the amount of force needed to move an object?
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The amount of needed to make an object change its depends on the of the object and the required?

. The amount of Force needed to make an object change its motion depends on the Mass of the object and the Force required

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An object's inertia is determined by its mass. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, which affects how much force is needed to change its state of motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia.

How an pulley and incline plane change the amount of force needed to move an object?

A pulley can reduce the amount of force needed to move an object by distributing the force over multiple ropes and pulleys, effectively trading force for distance. An inclined plane can reduce the force needed to move an object by allowing it to be raised to a higher elevation with less force over a longer distance.

How does a moveable pulley change the input force?

A moveable pulley reduces the amount of input force needed to lift an object. By attaching the pulley to the object being lifted, the force needed to move the object is distributed between the pulling force and the weight of the object itself, making it easier to lift.

What is related to how much force is needed to change an objects motion?

The concept related to the amount of force needed to change an object's motion is inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its velocity. Objects with more mass have greater inertia and require more force to change their motion.

What Amount of matter in a object or a measure of the inertia of an object?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object or a measure of the inertia of an object. It is a fundamental property of an object that determines how much force is needed to accelerate it.

What is the amount of push and pull which can change speed and direction of moving objects?

The amount of push and pull needed to change the speed and direction of a moving object depends on the mass of the object and the magnitude and direction of the force applied. Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. To change the speed and direction of an object, a force greater than the object's current momentum is required.

Can the number of pulleys affect the amount of force to lift a heavy objects to a high place?

Increasing the number of pulleys divides the force required to lift up a heavy object; increasing the number of pulleys decreases the force needed by the person (or motor) pulling the first end of the pulley system. However, it is important to know that it does not affect the total work needed to lift up the object. As the force is decreased, the distance of rope needed increases to compensate for a conserved amount of work required for the load to be lifted.

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A change in position.