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A man cannot naturally float in the air without assistance from external factors like technology or equipment such as a hot air balloon, paraglider, or airplane.

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Q: How do a man float in air?
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What makes floats float?

The float has air in it.

Can balloons float from the air out of your mouth?

Only in water. The air from your mouth is the same density as the air in the room- they will not float in air.

Why does a swimming float float?

Because it has air in it. Air weighs less than water therefore air floats.

What makes balloons float when they are full of air but not float when they are deflated?

Balloons float when they are full of air because the helium or air inside is less dense than the surrounding air, creating buoyancy. When they are deflated, the balloon is denser than the surrounding air, causing it to sink rather than float. This is due to the principle of buoyancy and the difference in density between the balloon and the air.

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It will float because water has more density than air and barges have air in them

Where in the atmosphere do hot air balloons float?

Hot air balloons float because hot air displaces cool air in the atmosphere

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Helium is lighter than air. so balloons filled with helium will float in air

Why don't mostsubstance float in air if they float in water?

It is waters greater density than air that allows some substances to float on water.

How did david blaine float in the air on tv?

um he float