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By throwing a baby across two roofs, thus creating the equation e=mc2

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Albert Einstein's work in theoretical physics greatly influenced the development of technology, particularly in the fields of nuclear energy, semiconductors, and lasers. His theories on relativity led to advancements such as GPS technology, while his work on the photoelectric effect laid the groundwork for modern electronics. Einstein's insights continue to inspire innovation in various technological applications today.

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What modern day technology did Albert Einstein help invent?

Without the understanding of how motion and gravity can affect clocks, that Einstein gave us, GPS technology would not work.

Who did Albert Einstein help?

Albert Eistien helped you me and the world.

Who help Albert Einstein?

Albert Eistien helped you me and the world.

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Albert Einstein first attended the Luitpold Gymnasium in Germany, and then the Institute of Technology in Switzerland.

What was albert Einstein's college's name?

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

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He helped the US of today by giving us theories that helped explore new fields of technology.

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No, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were not related. They were both prominent figures in the fields of science and technology, but they were not family members.

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Albert Einstein attended college at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School, later renamed the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1911, following official designation 2 years earlier as a university.